Flat Ledge Quarry From Skip Montello

I got this primo shot at Flat Ledge Quarry on Tuesday;

"January 24, 2012, it’s 50 something degrees, the snows gone in one day, the sky is blue and so is the water, what more can I say…oh yeah the Pats won on Sunday!"


North Coast Angler www.northcoastangler.com

Skip Montello Photos www.skipmontellophotos.com

7 thoughts on “Flat Ledge Quarry From Skip Montello

  1. Hi Bill, thanks. The quarry is near Granite Pier… I believe it is also known by other names; town quarry , east quarry, etc. It is a favorite of many artists and photographers in the area.


  2. Hi Bill…Thanks, Flat Ledge Quarry is in Rockport near Granite Pier. That is the name I most often hear but have heard a few others; Town Quarry. East Quarry, Stone Bridge Quarry and a few others.


  3. I understood that Flat Ledge Quarry was the one right next to Granite Street in Rockport, where the keystone bridge passes over one end of it. It was opened to Gull Cove (Granite Pier) so a small guage railroad could move granite to be loaded onto barges and ships.


  4. Does anyone remember swimming at Nickasses Pit? (excuse the childhood spelling…I’m going by sound) That quarry had a huge ledge that one could wade out from before it “dropped off.” We approached it from Riveredale via Washington St. .. I’m not sure if you had to travel all the way to Rockport, exiting to the right, and going up a steep hill. This memory goes back to the fifties, when quarries were not banned to the Public.


    1. In the late fifties, I was part of the Punch and Judy Show, at the Annisquam Sea Fair. Afterwards, there was a banana split and swim party at a quarry up Otis Street just past Folly Cove on the way to Rockport. Sounds like maybe the same place.


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