Lat 43 GMG Bash To Renew Newell Stadium At Latitude Updated Outdoor Café Floor Plan- Click Picture to Enlarge

It’s very simple, once you walk through downtown for the Block Party, swing on tdown to Lat 43 and the outdoor seating theatre which we will be creating in the parking lot facing Rogers Street.  If you can’t get a table downtown there will be plenty of hand food that you can grab and watch the free show and The Team at Lat 43 is offering food at family friendly prices-

Clam Chowder $4

Chicken Wings $4

Pizza $4

Pulled Pork Sliders  $4

Sushi $8

Popcorn  $2


Matt Burke From the Gloucester Daily Times Will be presenting  Awards To the top 25 Gloucester High School Gridiron Greats and we will have photos of lots of the award winners blown up 25 feet on the big screen as Matt gives out the awards.

We will unveil the 25 foot screen that Ed Collard and I conceived and Ed mostly built with help from Sista Felicia and screen Sam Hartson’s “This Is Fiesta” movie.  The Screen will be outside hoisted high up on the pilings in front of Lat 43, show footage of the blue lobsters albino lobsters, golden sea robin, Sunday Senior Seine Boat race, Friday Saturday and Sunday greasy pole footage, Monkey Balls, Craig Kimberly’s Fiesta Videos, Faces Of The Fishermen From EJ, Gloucester’s Finast Kind Calendar, and much much more.  The Outdoor café setup in the parking area in front of Lat 43 will be incredibly set up Lat 43 will be practically giving the food away and there will be adult beverage service- NOT TO BE MISSED!!!!!

Best of all 10% of all food and beverage sales goes to GFAA to help rebuild Newell Stadium.

3 thoughts on “Lat 43 GMG Bash To Renew Newell Stadium At Latitude Updated Outdoor Café Floor Plan- Click Picture to Enlarge

  1. Sorry, I guess my reign as #1 in reliability (or lack thereof!) continues as I just got roped into working at Sugar Mags from 6pm-10pm for Block Party. I’ll come down after? 😦



      1. HUH? It’s a requirement by all the restaurants that the areas where there will be alcohol be roped off.

        Everything positive written and that’s the only comment one can come up with?


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