Getting wet is an essential sailing skill! From Bill O’Connor

Hey Joe,

Just as the sailing program 420s got to the outer harbor today, the wind started blowing really hard from the South/South West.  What would have been a nice evening sailing, suddenly turned into capsize practice!  I think they had four boats turned over at one time, with at least two that were completely turtled.  The kids righted those boats pretty quickly considering the conditions, and it looked like everybody got out of there in one piece.  Sometimes the fun of sailing is the time you spend in the drink…

~Bill O’Connor
North Shore Kid




3 thoughts on “Getting wet is an essential sailing skill! From Bill O’Connor

  1. That was supposed to be races between GHS and Brookline High schools. I claim a Gloucester victory because a Gloucester high school sailor had to jump in to help right a Brookline 420 🙂


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