Andrews Point Today

That southwest wind is blowing the tops off the waves at Andrews Point today.

Click photo for a tad bigger.  Took down the Christmas wreath and noticed the daffodils are starting to emerge. Spring has sprung and Daylight Savings tomorrow.

That’s weird. I straightened that horizon in iPhoto and now that it gets to flicker it reverts to crooked. Computers suck some times.

4 thoughts on “Andrews Point Today

  1. Great pic Paul. Surprised nobody is surfing there! Just a few rocks there if I remember right but if the tide is right possible.


  2. You would really have to be some kind of nuts to surf this point but I saw it done. Here it is:
    Sunday, December 27, 2009
    As Chuck mentioned, Darwin Award time. I was surprised none were awarded that day.

    Today, the offshore wind was hollowing them out quite nicely and you could ride a tube around the point but if you fell at the wrong spot …


    1. Enjoyed the link it brings back memories! Yesterday morning when the Tsunami was approacing the West Coast surfers were out everywhere! Somethings will never change everyone hoping for the perfect wave.


  3. Beautiful shot Paul. I was out at Magnolia today (finally made it there!) and the waves were breaking just perfectly. The old surfer in me got a little twitchy just watching them. And it was such a glorious day. I’ve got to find Andrews Point and Hoop Pole Cove.


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