Pet of The Week

Pet of the Week
My name is Brutus and I am too handsome for words.  I have a silky short-haired coat
and deep green eyes.  I am a care-free and loveable guy.  I love people, but
not a fan of dogs and I would like to be the only cat in the family.  I am at the
Cape Ann Animal Aid located at 260 Main Street in Gloucester.
We are a non-profit shelter and I can’t say enough about the wonderful
staff and volunteers.  We appreciate donations of all sizes and remember, they are tax-
deducible.  We also appreciate items such as postage stamps, gas cards for our shelter
van, large trash bags and toys for the cats and dogs here at the shelter.  Did you know that
between August 1 and November 23, 256 cats and dogs were placed in loving homes?
I hope in the next report, I am include in it!!


Thanks Tina Ketchopolos for forwarding the Pet of The Week Info

Fight The Winter Blues – Embrace All Things Ice Skating!

This weekend the whole family got out and did some skating at a Birthday party. You forget how fun it is to get out and skate. Here are some local places to skate, get equipment or catch a hockey game.

Where To Skate:

Where to get equipment:

  • Pure Hockey – Danvers
  • Build your own rink – These are popping up everywhere. I even saw Ipswich brewery truck pulled up offering brews at someones house.

Check out a Hockey Game:

A few pics of the fam out on the ice. I even got my soon to be 2 year old out there.

Thanks – Patrick – Let me know any other places I missed.

Cub Scout Pack 112 Registration Night Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hey Joey,

Would love your help to spread the word.  We are restarting  a Cub Scout Pack here in Gloucester sponsored by the Masonic Temple.  Any boys in grades 1st through 5th are eligible to join.  Lots of fun activities and a great award system for the boys. Any adult volunteers would be a great help too!

Could you please post this on the website.  We are trying to generate a great turnout this Thursday night!

Cub Scout Pack 112 Registration Night

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Masonic Temple, 27 Eastern Ave., Gloucester

6:30 to 8pm

contact: Doug Schultz at for more information

Thanks so much!

Sarah Schultz

Did You Know (Salt Marsh)

painting of Plum Island marsh by Ellen Lefavour
Painting by E.J. Lefavour

That a salt marsh is an environment in the upper coastal intertidal zone between land and salty or brackish water, which is dominated by dense stands of halophytic (salt-tolerant) plants such as herbs, grasses, or low shrubs?  These plants are terrestrial in origin and are essential to the stability of the salt marsh in trapping and binding sediments. Salt marshes play a large role in the aquatic food web and the exporting of nutrients to coastal waters. They also provide support to terrestrial animals such as migrating birds as well as providing coastal protection.  (From Wikipedia)

Salt marshes are also beautiful any time of year, and are often photographed and painted, wherever they are found.  This particular salt marsh is on Plum Island, looking toward the refuge, which hosts and supports an amazing array of migrating birds.

E.J. Lefavour



Northeast Health System CEO Ken Hanover and MHA President Lynn Nicholas discuss impacts of health care reform on area communities and families

(Gloucester, MA) – January 24, 2011 – Dozens of North Shore business and community leaders and residents attended a recent health care panel entitled ‘Health Care Reform: What does the Changing Landscape Mean to Me and My Family?’  The discussion featured Northeast Health System President and CEO Ken Hanover and Massachusetts Hospital Association President and CEO Lynn Nicholas.  It was moderated by Bob Hastings, Executive Director of the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce.

The event, which took place on January 13th, was an opportunity to discuss the impact of health reform on Massachusetts and area North Shore hospitals and families. Hanover and Nicholas addressed a variety of topics relating to this issue, including the current hospital climate, industry trends, major issues driving the cost of health care, and potential future impacts of health care reform. During the event, which was held at Cruiseport Gloucester, attendees also had the opportunity to ask questions.

Lynn Nicholas has been a driving force in moving Massachusetts to the forefront of constructive health care reform. The Massachusetts Hospital Association President & CEO spotlighted for more than 70 business leaders and members of the Gloucester City Council the ramifications of the move from the current fee-for-service health care system to  a global or bundled payment reimbursement model.

A move to global payments would end the practice of paying health care providers for individual procedures, replacing it with a system that attaches a fixed price to the routine health care costs incurred by a patient over a given period of time.

“Massachusetts hospitals are committed to health care payment and delivery reform, and believe that greater use of global or bundled payments for care could result in more coordinated and integrated care, which could help bring down premiums,” Nicholas said. “But just as hospitals are not solely or even primarily responsible for cost increases, additional significant savings cannot be achieved solely through steps taken by those who provide care. Everyone involved – caregivers, insurers, legislators, government, business and consumers – must share in the solution.”

Nicholas has served on the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Task Force on Community Benefits, the Governor’s Special Commission on Healthcare Payment Reform and numerous other boards, advisory committees and philanthropic leadership committees. MHA is the leading advocacy group for hospitals and health systems across the state, representing more than 90 facilities.

Both Nicholas and Hanover told the crowd that it is imperative we move now to take steps that will eventually improve health care while controlling soaring costs.

“People hear and read about health care reform every day but its effects on area communities and families are not always well understood,” said Hanover.  “This event was an opportunity to bring the discussion close to home and discuss how the legislation impacts costs, our community hospitals, and the way we choose our health providers. We are proud to serve the North Shore, and we are always looking for ways to better utilize our resources so we can provide the best medical care to our communities.”

About Addison Gilbert Hospital

Addison Gilbert Hospital is a full service, medical/surgical acute care facility.  The hospital, founded in 1889, provides state-of-the-art inpatient and outpatient care to residents of the Cape Ann community in specialties such as primary care, emergency services, radiology and mammography, cancer care, day surgery, physical and occupational therapy, gynecology, inpatient senior health services, and a variety of specialty physician services.  Among all other Massachusetts hospitals, Addison Gilbert continues to score among the top hospitals in the nation for patient satisfaction in surveys conducted by Press Ganey Associates.

About Northeast Health Foundation
Northeast Health Foundation is the fundraising arm of Northeast Health System, which is based in Beverly on Massachusetts’s North Shore. The Foundation works to build philanthropy for Beverly Hospital, Addison Gilbert Hospital, BayRidge Hospital, CAB Health & Recovery Services and Health & Education Services, Inc.–all not-for-profit affiliates of Northeast Health System. For more information please visit

Valerie Fay (Williams) Does A Bang Up Job Frosting Tricia’s Famous Carrot Cake At Stone’s Pub

Anybody who’s anybody knows that Tricia’s Carrot Cake is the best in town.  Get your sexy ass down to Stone’s and try it, won’t you?


Stones Pub is located at 242 Main Street (across from the Liquor Locker)

The sketchbook complete! from A&E Creative

From;  Elizabeth Bollenberg,  Aka E.B.

The sketchbook complete! from A&E Creative

JUST when I finally started to catch up on entries, another giant creative distraction took hold of me over the past few weeks: The Sketchbook Project.

Due to the weather and the massive influx of sketchbook delivers, the Art House Coop granted a 3 day extension. I’m sure (in fact I KNOW) that I wasn’t the only one who managed to complete this fabulous thing on time because of this; those 3 days were a god send. Yesterday, after numerous cuttings, pastings, scrappings, and adherings, I sent my newest pride and joy off to join the other 29,000 sketchbooks participating in this wonderful project.

Here’s a rough & tumbled scanned version of my beloved book. I have a bazillion more photos to be uploaded, but for now this will do.

The cover:

Deck Prisms

In the days before electricity, light below a vessel’s deck was limited to candles, oil and kerosene lamps. A clever solution for the light problem was the deck prism. Laid flush into the deck, the prism point drew light down below decks.

I set this reproduction on a light box and shot on the same plane as the base. This was submitted for my 365 Project.

Legal Sea Foods serves up protest dinner of ‘blacklisted’ species article from Steve Urbon


By Steve Urbon January 25, 2011 12:00 AM

BOSTON — As America goes green with sustainability, Legal Sea Foods restaurant president and CEO Roger Berkowitz is seeing red about published guides that he says have it wrong about avoiding some species of fish.

On Monday night, he did something about it.

At his Park Square flagship location, he teamed up with the Culinary Guild of New England, a nonprofit institution, to offer a complete menu of so-called "blacklisted" species, such as hook-caught hake and Gulf of Maine cod caught by day boats out of Gloucester, along with tiger shrimp.

Berkowitz’ point is that institutions such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium are often using outdated or faulty science when they issue their popular "watch lists" to consumers.

A generation ago, Berkowitz said in a broadcast interview that environmental groups such as Pew did much good work a generation ago but are now overreaching. "They’re in existence just to keep themselves in existence," he said. "They keep pushing limits. It’s just unfair."

For the rest of the article click here

Snow Birds–Literally From Bill O’Connor

Hey Joe,

During the storm on Friday, I caught these ducks snoozing away.  The snow would build up on them, and they would eventually shudder to get the snow off.  As I was watching some were snoozing so heavily that the snow just slid off on its own after it got ~2 inches deep. The photo is a great testament to the effectiveness of down as an insulator.  I shot this photo from about 100 feet away, and was shooting through heavy snowfall, so I was pretty surprised that this photo came out at all.

~Bill O’Connor
North Shore Kid


I Swear If I Get Another Linked In Invitation Reminder I’m Gonna Jump



You know how there are those little annoyances in your life that after a while get under your skin?   One of mine is this social media company Linked In.

Listen, I like Social Media.  A blogger generally gets how useful a tool it can be.  Even though I don’t use Facebook I recognize how powerful and fantastic a way it is to communicate.  It is taking over the world, believe me.  The only reason I’m not on Facebook is because of the dedication to GMG. If I ever got started with FB the time suck would take away from this great thing we’ve created and we can’t have that now can we?

I’m a fan of Twitter and how effective a communication tool it is.  140 characters easy-peasy directed to exactly who you would like and delivered to their mobile device, desktop or  email.  Fantastic.

I just don’t feel the need to be on another Social network and especially one that seems so goddamn desperate that they can’t take no for an answer.  For any of you who are choosing this Linked In social media thing I’m guessing you are doing so because it is what they are selling you as the business type of social media much like they try to sell business people on the inferior Blackberry technology over Android or even better iPhones.

Listen to me- when you sign up for this Linked In service and send out messages to everyone in your email contact list, they are just hammering your contacts with invitation reminder after invitation reminder even though you’ve already ignored the last one because you don’t feel like having to tend to yet another social media service.  Trust me on this- no one gives a fuck about Linked In- all the cool kids are on Facebook.

I understand why they send these invitation reminders.  It is because for you to accept the invitation to join the person on Linked In, you need to join Linked In.  They would like to build up a network much like Facebook and possibly sell it for a bazillion dollars but friends believe me, it’s an also ran much like Blackberry will be and Nextel.  Just because they TELL you it’s for business people doesn’t make it a better technology.

Please for the love of god don’t send me any more Linked In invitations because much like the past 7,000,000,000 Linked In invitation reminders they will be ignored.

Please don’t take this that I still don’t love you and want to hear from you.  I’m just trying to enlighten you on what the hell is going on with this brutally obnoxious social media company.

I’d like to be Linked Out