8 thoughts on “A Walk on Main St during the Nor’easter – Video

  1. I thank all of you who put a great effort into gmg.I love being able to see whats going on in cape ann. Its a great place Thank You Joey and all your friends.


  2. I now live in northern Michigan,and nor’easters are normal weather here. They don’t shut down for snow like we have been getting. It is just the norm for them here. The lake effect and snow belt areas,are something else. All the stores stay open. Wiping tons of snow off your car or truck is no biggie. If the power goes off,it is no biggie,because it is Michigan and life goes on. Amazing ? You have to be born here to think this is amazing I guess.


  3. I live in Southport in the north west of England and we had our worst snow for over 40 years the week before Chrstmas – a whole 12 inches! In the UK, that is only one step away from the end of the world… Most refuse collections stopped, planes stopped flying, railways stopped, buses stopped, and we were advised to stay at home unless our journey was really necessary. Retail, businesses here have lost a fortune. We aren’t set up for it here, no snow chains or snow tires, very few snowploughs, etc, and we don’t have those handy snow clearing things like the guy in the video, just spades and shovels. 12 months ago when it snowed here, there was an story going round that if you actually cleared the snow on the sidewalk outside your home or business, and somebody slipped over, they could sue you for making the sidewalk unsafe, so loads of people didn’t clear any snow away. It turns out it was just one of those urban myths, bot a lot of people will still say it to you…


  4. You should have come to Magnolia, if you wanted to really see the storm. We are in the “Tundra”. More snow than anywhere!!!


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