Chickity Check It!- Simply Cape Ann Blog

Simply Cape Ann- Just What The Name Implies

Chickity Check It!

Photos submitted to the GMG Flickr Group by Simply Cape Ann

Vista from the Atlantic Path in Rockport.


Sheets of slate among the rocks along the Atlantic Path in Rockport.


5 thoughts on “Chickity Check It!- Simply Cape Ann Blog

  1. Those aren’t sheets of slate but are gabbro, a type of igneous rock which filled that crack in the granite from below and made a dike. (In the ordovician about 450 million years ago when all this rock was also miles underground.)

    Slate is sedimentary rock which is tough to find on Cape Ann. I really didn’t know anything about gabbro dikes until yesterday when that dike was pointed out to me and read up on it.


      1. Thanks. Still learning with a new camera. (And fighting the urge to twist the knob back to the auto settings!) One of these days, I’ll need to take a class since I’m just winging it most times.


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