WhereZat? With a PRIZE!!

Today’s WhereZat? is from FOB Hedge

If no one gets it in a few hours, I’ll post some clues. Have fun and, as always, thanks for playing!

Oh yeah, I forgot, this week’s prize is a Good Morning Gloucester t-shirt donated by Cape Ann Painter. Thanks Paul and Hedge!

Chickity Check It!- Simply Cape Ann

The folks over at Simply Cape Ann have been FOB since the early days of GMG (there’s a few acronyms for ya)

Yesterday Simply Cape Ann was featured on the front page of Boston..com for this post-

Simply Colorful

The colors in the garden truly popped this summer.
Take a virtual walk through our garden.
Make sure you click on the images to enlarge them.
Fell free to test your knowledge and comment with the name of each flower!
Have fun!


click the link above to go and see the beautiful pictures there.


Chickity Check It!- Simply Cape Ann Blog

Simply Cape Ann- Just What The Name Implies

Chickity Check It!  simplycapeann.blogspot.com

Photos submitted to the GMG Flickr Group by Simply Cape Ann

Vista from the Atlantic Path in Rockport.


Sheets of slate among the rocks along the Atlantic Path in Rockport.
