Candy Marshall’s MillRiver Beadworks at The Sidewalk Bazaar

To contact Candy you can email her at

Candy Marshall’s MillRiver Beadworks at The Sidewalk Bazaar, originally uploaded by captjoe06.



100,000 hits to the blog since January 1.  The way I have my counter set up it doesn’t count my visits as a “hit”.  The response has been great and it’s been a whole lot of fun meeting new people and hearing from the new and old contributors that leave comments.

Thanks everyone, you can see we have something good going on here by the steady upward trajectory in amount of people viewing.

100,000!, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Linda Gugger at Menage Gallery

Here is Linda Gugger making a reproduction copy of Gloucester’s famous Man at the Wheel Statue.

Linda Gugger at Menage Gallery, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Linda can be reached at (603) 483-8059 her email is
If you are interested in having your own personalized sign give her a ring or email and tell her you heard about her at

Linda Gugger Personalized Signs $29

Linda Gugger who sells her stuff out of the Menage Gallery paints these personalized signs and will put anything you want on your own sign for $29.  If you want some artwork she adds a measly $5.  That’s a great bargain.

Think about that for a personalized gift.  $29 or $35 for a gift to a friend with their name on it or the name of their boat, whatever.  say you had a dinner party to go to or a buddy has a 40 year birthday party,  for a little bit of money you could have a cool sign made for him/her with their name on it or whatever you would like.

The Menage Gallery is located on the corner of Hancock and Main Street right next door to The Dogtown Bookstore.

Stephanie Buckner and Gordan Michaels Mates On The Glou-PTown Ferry

Here are two of the crewmates Stephanie and Gordon aboard the ferry to Provincetown.  They were both very friendly and accommodating, posing for pictures for the blog.  This picture is in the galley where they serve food for the two and a half hour trip.

Gordon is a singer and will be performing in Gloucester soon.

Gloucester To Provincetown Ferry

Here is the loading ramp which looks to be very handicapped accessible.

They say the trip is worth it for the whale watching alone. A mate described Provincetown  as Bearskin Neck type destination times four.  He also told me there are many activities you can do in Provincetown outside of the tourist section.