Dorymaster Race Results From Jimmy T

It was a gorgeous summer day for the 1st Annual Dorymaster Solo Races.
Thanks to the help of Skip Levielle towing the boats over to Annisquam,
the races went off right on schedule. There were 6 competitors in all (4
men and 2 women) competing for the Dorymasters Cup trophy on the 1/2
mile course, which starts on the north side of the footbridge, goes up
deep into Lobster Cove to turn the flags and return to the finish line
near the footbridge.

As race time drew near, throngs of rowing fans crowded the footbridge.
The first race featured experienced Jim Tarantino against new-comer Dave
Buchanan. In an effort to show good-sportsmanship, Tarantino gave way on
the starting line to allow for plenty of berth. Once the starting gun
went off, it was no longer a friendly race, as Buchanan got the early
lead. Halfway to the flags, Tarantino was able to pull even, but try as
he might he couldn’t shake Buchanan, who impressed with a beautiful long
stroke. But the inexperience of Buchanan hurt him, a superior turn and
quicker rate of the old fox Tarantino on the way home, into a strong
westerly wind, gave Jimmy T. the victory in 6:11:28. Dave Buchanan
finished with a  respectable 6:47:28.

The second race featured two International Dory Champions. Erik
Dombrowski vs. Katherine Richmond. Dombrowski crowded Richmond at the
starting line, determined to get every advantage possible. The gun went
off and these two fierce competitors shot off the starting line like
rockets! Both excellent course keepers, they made the turning flags in
good time, but Dombrowski’s extra weight in the boat gave him the
advantage coming home into the wind. Receiving tremendous encouragement
from the Committee boat at the start line,  Erik finished strong with a
great time of 6:11:50. Katherine Richmond had the best womens time of
the day with 6:50:66.

The westerly winds increased, creating difficult conditions for the
final heat. Damon Cummings and Gina Lampassi got off to a great start
but several times down the course the wind got hold of their sterns and
turned them sideways, making it hard to get an even pull for boatspeed.
Once Gina got her bow to the wind she used her experience to keep a
perfect course on the way home, finishing in 7:09:50. Damon had a tough
course coming home into the heavy winds, but pulled out a time of 8:01:40.

Thanks to all the competitors and supporters who helped to make this
event fun and successful. Laurel Tarantino worked the Committee table
and seasoned veteran Jack Sultan, a legendary Dory rower, came out to
lend support and advise to the competitors. Scouts in the dory world
have seen Sultan working hard in the dories with fellow legend Mike
Cody, and the buzz is they may be competing in the Masters Division in
James A. Tarantino, President
International Dory Race Committee

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