HORRENDOUSLY HORRIBLE HORRIBLES! with Seth Moulton, Ann Margaret Ferrante, Bruce Tarr, Jimmy T, Cape Ann Food Pantry, Boxers, Adorable Pug, Yogis, Pink Elephants, and MORE!

Cape Ann farmer's Market Horribles Parade ©Kim Smith 2015First Place Horrible’s Award to Cape Ann Farmer’s Market, Backyard Growers Program, and Ukeladies

Gloucester Horribles Parade -3 ©Kim Smith 2015

Gloucester Horribles Parade Zinnia, Audi, Peter Sousa ©Kim Smith 2015.JPGZinnia, Audi, and Peter

Gloucester Horribles Parade Seth Moulton -2 ©Kim Smith 2015Seth Moulton

Gloucester Horribles Parade Jimmy T ©Kim Smith 2015Jimmy T
Gloucester Horribles Parade -4 ©Kim Smith 2015

Gloucester Horribles Parade Ann margaret Ferrante ©Kim Smith 2015Gloucester Horribles Parade Senator Bruce Tarr ©Kim Smith 2015Gloucester Horribles Parade -7 ©Kim Smith 2015

Gloucester Horribles Parade Paul McGeary ©Kim Smith 2015Gloucester Horribles Parade ©Kim Smith 2015 -8Gloucester Horribles Parade Beauport Vodka ©Kim Smith 2015Gloucester Horribles Parade -13 ©Kim Smith 2015Gloucester Horribles Parade -11 ©Kim Smith 2015Gloucester Horribles Parade -2 ©Kim Smith 2015Nice Guys with Cute Pug! Gloucester Horribles Parade  -6©Kim Smith 2015

Gloucester Horribles Parade Open Door ©Kim Smith 2015

Gloucester Horribles Parade  -10©Kim Smith 2015

Jimmy T Snaps An Oar 2013 June International Dory Races Photos From Lowell Peabody

Lowell Peabody writes-


Don’t see this everyday! Oar snaps at the start of the Final of the Masters Dory Race in Gloucester. Apparently race is restarted if something like this happens within the first ten strokes of the race. New oars were brought out and the race went on. Canadiens won this one. You can see the initial crack in the first photo.. — atGloucester Harbor.


The Old Man’s Still Got Some Power I’d Say Smile

Jimmy T on TV again starting tomorrow (FRIDAY)

Jimmy T. is this week’s guest on Cape Ann Profiles on Cape Ann TV.

Host Rich Sagall interviews Jimmy T. about his experience on “Survivor” in this clip from Cape Ann Profiles that airs this week and next week on Cape Ann TV Channel 12. Cape Ann Profiles airs on Fridays at 10:30am & 7pm and on Sundays at 2pm.

Get ready for Jimmy T’s TV reprise tomorrow by checking out all the excellent live music tonight starting at 7 with Giuseppe’s Singer Songwriter Shuffle.   See full live music lineup here.

Jimmy T Wants To Save my Soul

Jimmy writes-

Dear Joey,

I feel like I owe you a favor for all the coverage you’ve given the International Dory Race Committee, so I’m offering you the chance to save your soul. You’ve always claimed to love Gloucester so much, how can you use your blog as a tool to further your own financial interests, knowing it will destroy the Working Waterfront that your father helped build???  Have you no conscience???

Please take a step back and re-evaluate your position before it’s too late. Your invited to the “Annie” next Monday night for a Public Forum. Will you stand with Jim Davis, Sheree DeLorenzo, Mac Bell and Sam Parisi or will you stand for the working people of Gloucester and help save our waterfront!

Still your friend!

Jimmy T.

P.S: Feel free to post this, I am in my documentation of this very important time in Gloucester history.

I will first state that I respect Jimmy T just as I respect Damon Cummings and consider them both quality individuals, great family men and great Gloucester citizens.

However I can not disagree more with them on their stance on Gloucester Harbor.

My response.

My interest in seeing Birdseye prosper is the same as it is for I4-C2, the Paint Factory and the way it was when I supported Gloucester Crossing which had nothing to do with the waterfront but so many of the same people opposed.

I am for jobs for our City.  I am for economic development and more taxes being paid to our City to support strong schools, better roads and better sewer systems along with all the benefits all Gloucester residents will receive when there is money to support our public financial responsibilities.

I am not one of these people who would like to erect a gate at the bridge and only allow people that were born here the right to come here and buy a piece of property and raise a family.  I do not equate people that make money as being the devil.  Are there rich people that are true jerks?  Absolutely, but there are plenty of rich people who are some of the nicest people you would meet just as there are some poor jerks and poor sweethearts.

It isn’t a class war for me 24/7.

If we kept to the way of thinking that we don’t want any other people coming to Gloucester  we wouldn’t have these people-

Carolyn Kirk –Mayor That Balanced our Budget and Raised Our Bond Rating

Dawn Gadow- Director of Art Haven

Ken and Nicole Duckworth- Proprietors of the #1 Zagat Rated Restaurant in The Northeast

Donna Ardizzoni- Founder of The One Hour at a Time Gang

Maggie Rosa- Gloucester Education Foundation and Save City Hall

Marty Luster- GMG Contributor and Photog Extraordinaire

Vickie and Peter Van Ness- Creators of Celebrate Gloucester Music Festival and people who organized The Joe Garland Tribute

Ed Collard- Major Builder of The Lobster Trap Tree and One Hour at A Time gang Member and anywhere there is a community need you see Ed helping out.

Melissa Cox- Ward Councillor and One Hour at a Time Gang Member

John McElhenny- A member of Gloucester’s Open Space and Recreation Committee, board of directors of the Sawyer Free Librar and PR for Gloucester

Frieda Grotjahn- owner Again and Again Sailbags in East Gloucester Square.

and so many more people that came here because they loved it.

You won’t stop these types of people from coming here and quite frankly I hope they don’t stop coming.  Communities change and not all change is bad.

Speaking about Sheree deLorenzo and Jim Davis as if they were the devil is absurd to me.  It baffles me how you could poo poo the generous donation of $500,000 to rebuild Newell Stadium by Jim Davis saying that he should somehow give more???  That sure isn’t chump change to anyone.  Really?  Sheree DeLorenzo at Cruiseport took a derelict property, turned it into hundreds of jobs and supports hundreds of vendors all while maintaining the waterfront at her and Jim Davis’ property for Marine Industrial use. Not one fishing boat was ever asked to leave.  But the rhetoric from the anti folks would have you believe that she is displacing fishing boats or marine industrial activity.  Lies and slander.

Instead of demonizing her I’d think that she and Cruiseport should be celebrated as a model of how marine industrial can coexist alongside and even on the same property.  Cruiseport is living proof.

Want more proof?  Look at the Giacalone’s Fisherman’s Wharf which is directly next to Latitude 43’s outdoor restaurant deck and the Gloucester House.    By your way of thinking you would be reading about police reports on a daily basis because they can’t coexist.  But THEY DO AND HAVE!

More?  Brown’s Yacht Yard next to International Lobster.  OMG how do they do it?  I’m surprised they don’t have daily riots over there because they simply can’t coexist!  Guess what?  They have.  For decades.

The people that would have nothing happen here would have told Sam Park to screw and every family of Gloucester would be paying at least $2500 a year more in grocery bills because we were at the mercy of Stop and Shop and Shaws who were RAPING US.

I4-C2 did not have a single bidder for that property after it went out for bid from the City.   Not one.    That speaks volumes.  As they say, put up…

I’d like to see one example where Sheree or Mac Bell twisted someone’s arm to sell their property.  I hear people use the words “Forced to sell”  When???  Show me when.

Talking about selling my soul?

I’d say you have a chance Jimmy to not sell your soul because change is going to happen and we can have a say in it instead of blocking it and blocking it and blocking it and coming up with places like I4-C2 vacant instead of providing jobs and taxes.  Every year that goes by is a year that taxes could have been collected to pay for better schools or to keep our Fire Stations Open.  The Paint Factory, still vacant unless a magical 10 million drops into the laps of Ocean Alliance.

I’m not sure how people could not want money to pay for better schools and take care of the City Infrastructure and how the disconnect between responsible economic development with the increase in taxes and jobs pays for these needs to support our City.

I’d say selling your soul would be to not embrace change by recognizing that you don’t have to displace fishing boats to allow uses that create jobs on the upland parts of these properties.  Selling your soul would be to accept anything less.

I think that as long as we don’t displace fishing boats from their berths that there is plenty of waterfront to offload the incredibly consolidated fishing fleet and to not recognize that the fleet has been radically consolidated is to misrepresent the situation.

If you don’t want these people from out of town to come here any more you should rail against The Downtown Block Parties, Rail Against our Beautiful Beaches, Rail against all of the Awesome Community Events we have, Rail against the Art Scene, Rail against the Farmer’s Market.  These are the fantastic things that are bringing people here.   People love it here and aren’t going to stop coming.  Communities change, communities evolve.

The biggest crime against our community IMO is not supporting initiatives for jobs and to better our schools and public safety through an increased tax base.  That my friend would be selling out by not wanting opportunities for the best schools and public safety for our community.

So saying I’m a sell out and don’t want what is best for our community is not the way I see it at all.   I say that the people that are living with the best views in the city on the Fort and not paying what normal waterfront residential taxpayers pay makes it harder to support our school system.  It makes it harder to fill in the potholes and it makes it more difficult to pay to keep the outlaying fire stations open.  So you’re calling me selfish?  Allowing for responsible development would provide the jobs and provide the tax base so that the tax burden on residents around the entire city wouldn’t have to bear the brunt of it.  Yeah, I won’t be at the witch hunt at The Annie.  I can only imagine what kind of shit show that’s going to be.  You know how I feel as I’ve never waivered.

Jim I know you are passionate about your feelings and I know you are a quality person through and through, I just completely disagree with you just like most of the fishermen that I speak to on a daily basis tell me.  That they don’t see a problem with it as long as their boats are not being displaced.

Jim, Gloucester isn’t just filled with Tarantinos, Ciaramitaros, Favazzas, Palazolas, Frontieros, Aeillos and Novellos any more.

It’s Filled with Tarantinos, Kirks, Favazzas, Duckworths, Frontieros, Cox’, Aiellos, Rosas, Novellos, Van Ness’, Ciaramitaros, Collards, Interrantes, Gadows, Palazolas, Grotjahns and more and to be honest I like the new Gloucester and all of it’s diversity and energy.

Oh and BTW Clarence Birdseye- Born In Brooklyn NY.  God bless yet another out of towner.

Dory Prep Day- Under 32 Degrees But These Great Community Folks Got ‘Er Done!

Thanks To Laurel and Jimmy T For Getting Us The Photos-

The Dorys don’t just maintain themselves.  It takes a group effort to keep these boats in racing shape.  The email was sent out last week to all the members of the International Dory Race organization and I’m sure when they sent out the invitation to join in and sand, powerwash and paint the dorys that no one imagined that it was going to be under 32 degrees at the end of March. But that’s what mother nature dealt.

I remember that morning wondering if they were going to cancel and reschedule but as you can see from the following photos- the work took place.  Those who showed up should be applauded for their efforts! Photos and captions from Laurel Tarantino-

Nice Stern Gina!-  Gina Lampassi

dory 007

Marge Robertson & Patti Page

dory 015 (2)

Joe Novello & Keith Palazzola, Volunteering isn’t all work!  It’s smiles and friendly bantering.

dory 017


dory 020dory 021

Bottoms Up!  Leo LaRosa on Roller, Jeff Muise on Cutting

dory 026

Ray D’Amico caught Working!

dory 028

Erik Dombrowski sands the bottom

dory 016

Laurel added in a new email-

We only got the bottoms painted on Saturday, as the temperatures were too low for anything other than that.  Boats are all sanded and ready for “Dory Buff” which we hope to slap on tomorrow.  Hopefully we’ll get it done, because we want to launch them asap.

and another Report From Jimmy-

Once again we were pleasantly surprised by the strong showing on Boat Prep Day. Unfortunately, it was too damn cold to paint the boats! So…. we’re going to do that *tomorrow at 4 p.m.* Anyone who can spare an hour or two, we’ll be at the Eastern Avenue Storge facility from 4 to 6 p.m.. *Come on down and lend a hand.*
All the hard work got done, thanks to Erik Dombrowski and Damon Cummings bringing all the tools and supplies we got all the boats scraped, sanded and bottom painted.  Now all we have to do is slap a little paint/linseed oil on the decks and roll the buff on the outsides. Should have it done tomorrow and ready to launch this weekend!

Thank you all! Joe Novello, Kieth Pallazola, Marge Robertson, Laurel Tarantino, Patti Page, Leo LaRosa, Jeff Muise, Gina Lampassi, Nancy Dudley, Mike Harmon and Ray D’Amico. Forgive me if I left anyone out. All the elbow grease and good MoJo is appreciated.

A Note To Jimmy T- We Still Love You Man!


You didn’t let anyone down.

You’re filled with passion and it shows.  Anyone who knows you knows how funny you are and how much you give back to the community.

Just getting the amount of people behind you that got you voted on the show is a testament to how much you are loved around town.

So hold your head up buddy! You’re still tops with the people that matter- your friends and family!


Jimmy T The Day After-

How Many Days Til KAOS Rows Seine Boats Once Again?


Why You Can’t Trust Reality Shows

Anyone who knows their way around the North Shore knows that the opening scene from the Amazing Race when host Phil was on the rolling hill was Castle Hill In Ipswich and not Gloucester MA .  The rest of the scenes from Eastern Point Yacht Club and Gloucester Harbor were shot in Gloucester but there was no mention of Ipswich in any of the show.

Much like the editing of Survivor, I simply refuse to believe that Jimmy T was angry the whole time he was on the show like they would have you believe by watching it.  ANYONE who has been around Jimmy knows he is one of the funniest and warm hearted people you would ever want to meet.

The Mrs always scolds me when I talk about how skeptical I am of the way TV producers try to take you down a certain path in your mind trying to figure out what is going to happen next.  my guesses are always opposite of what the producers would have you believe because I feel like they are editing for maximum shock value when the end results are shown.  She’s always telling me “Can we just watch the show without all your conspiracy theories?”  After watching these two shows, and being fans of both shows for years and now seeing what I know to be true turned on it’s head I think skeptical is the way to go.

Survivor – at Cape Ann Cinema – Episode One

 Mayor Kirk and some of Jimmy T’s fans watch survivor at the Cape Ann Cinema. 

Cheers came  every time Jimmy appeared on the screen. 

It’s was a great place to watch our local hero Survive Episode One.