GloucesterCast 330 With Kate Allen, Jamie Mathison, Sarah Steward,Ralph DiGiorgio, Catherine Ryan and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/31/19

GloucesterCast 330 With Kate Allen, Jamie Mathison, Sarah Steward,Ralph DiGiorgio, Catherine Ryan and  Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/31/19


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Topics Include:

Adventureman Update

Adventuredad went to Nichole’s Son’s Hockey Game

Walk No More

Dogtown compost facility

Red Finch Nesting Again

Beyond Beef

Walking with kids

The Line Tender – Kate Allen

Earth Day -April 27th 2019

Aardvark Straws

Beyond Beef

Cape Ann Reads


This juvenile Red-tailed hawk was perched in a tree on the roadside running along the Great Salt Marsh. She was hunting a squirrel that was half hidden in the leaf litter below. This is the second time in the past several weeks that we’ve seen a Red-tailed Hawk hunting and eating a squirrel. The first was in our neighbor’s yard, perched on the stone wall, eating a Gray Squirrel. The Red-tailed flew overhead with the squirrel in its beak and landed on the lattice of our outdoor shower enclosure. My husband stood beneath the shower ceiling and watched for a bit as the hawk finished off his meal.

The Red-tailed Hawk’s diet is highly variable, consisting of small mammals including voles, mice, rats, rabbits, and squirrels; other birds including bobwhite, starlings, blackbirds, ducks, and pheasant; reptiles such as snakes and frogs; fish; insects; bats; and carrion. They are colloquially called “chickenhawks” however, they rarely take a standard-sized chicken.

The Red-tailed Hawk is the most common bird of prey found in North America. We saw several in Mexico on our trip to Cerro Pelon in early March. They are found from the interior of Alaska and northern Canada to as far south as the West Indies and Panama.

Week 4 INVENTORS #GloucesterMA | Try Mr. Goulart’s local history trivia for 9th graders at Gloucester High School – good luck!


Over six weeks I’m posting local history trivia questions from Shaun Goulart’s creative weekly scavenger project for his 9th grade history class at Gloucester High School– except we’ll be one week behind the students’ pace. He explains that the “questions are multi-layered and usually have an image required in the submission. All questions will deal with Gloucester’s local history. I recommended to the students to utilize friends and family so your student may be reaching out to you for help. It is a competition and the prizes will be calculated into the Term 4 grade” for the students.

Mr. Goulart’s Local History Trivia Scavenger Hunt Week 4 Inventors

 1. John Hays Hammond Jr.

  • Go to the location of his home and take a picture with a member in it.

  • What did he invent?


2. Clarence Birdseye

  • Go to the location where his company was and take a picture with a member in it.

  • What did he invent?


3. Augustus H. Wonson

  • Go to the location of his grave and take a picture with a member in it.

  • What did he invent?


4. William Nelson Le Page

  • Go to the location where his company was after it moved from Rockport and take a picture with a member in it.

  • What did he invent?

  • Go to the location of Le Page’s company co-founder Ruben Brooks’ manor and take a picture with a member in it.



Prior Posts

3/26 /19 Week Three Results

3/24/19 Week Three Questions- Gloucester Firsts

3/21/19 Week Two results

3/17/19 Week Two questions- Defending Gloucester

3/14/19 Week One results

3/10/19 Week One trivia questions


The Gannet coming out after a long winter, photos from our friend Mary Barker

You can tell it’s spring when the gig rowers and volunteers have flocked to Maritime Gloucester to get their boats back in the water.

From our friend Mary Barker.  She was down at Maritime Gloucester yesterday morning as the Gannet was being lowered into the water.

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