Three Young Graces Update No. 2

Niles Pond thawed, and so too was the knowledge that Mr. Swan would return. He is the bird-ruler of Cape Ann’s waterways, from Gloucester Harbor to Rockport Harbor, and vigilantly patrols all our local ponds and inlets. Mr. Swan does not take kindly to other swans in his territory. 

I checked in on the Three Graces at day’s end, and they were contentedly preening after a full day of eating.


The following morning I returned and there was Mr. Swan, but no young swans. Although I did not see a battle take place, Mr. Swan’s behavior can only be described as victorious. Swans do a thing called busking when they want to appear big and bad and that is exactly what he was doing. Swimming with vigor and much greater speed than usual, he was patrolling one end of the pond to the other, with his feathers all busked out. It’s a swan’s way, and his territorial behavior is in part what has contributed to his longevity. Mr. Swan is more than thirty years old. I do so hope no one was injured, though.

Feathered Fury, Feathered Glory – Mr. Swan Busking

Perhaps the pond will freeze again, Mr. Swan will head back to Rockport Harbor, and we’ll see the Three Graces at Niles Pond once more.

Busking full speed ahead to the other side of the pond to see if the three young ones are hiding, and then taking a break after what must have been a demanding morning.

5th Annual Welcome Home Luncheon

This coming Sunday, March 10th at 11:00 marks the 5th Annual Welcome Home Luncheon for Cape Ann veterans, AmVet, American Legion, and Elks members, or previous returnees!  Thanks to the time of some amazing volunteers and the generosity of many local organizations and restaurants, the stage is set to welcome home Cape Ann’s very worthy veterans for the 5th year in a row.

Gloucester Elks Lodge, 101 Atlantic Road Gloucester.

Join us for a FREE Veterans Luncheon. If you are a local Cape Ann veteran, a member of the AmVets, VFW, American Legion, Elks, or a previous returnee… we would love to have you join us.

Tons of great food from many of our local restaurants.. the Causeway, Gloucester House, and Virgilios, to name a few!!

Every year we welcome home every returning veteran back to the Cape Ann Community. This year we are inviting others to join in the camaraderie and share their insights with our returnees this year.

If you ARE attending you must RSVP prior to the event. Space is limited. Email veterans892@gmail.com or confirm on the Facebook event ASAP.



Motown Music Routine! Nia classes on Cape Ann in March

Cape Ann Wellness

motown shoutout graphicNew Motown Routine

Nia will groove to the sounds of Motown! We will take the choreography from the last routine, Source, and give it some soul by putting it to the groovy sounds of songs like Baby Love, Midnight Train to Georgia, Superstition and of course Shout! We will still be focusing on using the eyes to guide the movements of the head and spine but in a more funky way

Not sure what Nia is all about? Here is a video from founder, Debbie Rosas on Nia.
Nia cardio-dance workouts combine 52 simple moves with dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to get you fit in 60 minutes – body, mind, emotion, and spirit.
Nia is non-impact, practiced barefoot, and adaptable to individual needs and abilities. Nia classes are taught by licensed Nia teachers.

linda31Want to try Nia?

Class on Thursday at 10:15am at MAGMA, 11 Pleasant…

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All Purpose Flowers Spring Wreath Workshop

Just a reminder that this Saturday is our Spring Wreath Workshop at the Magnolia Library. Tickets are available at www.allpurposeflowers.net/shop. In order to get a total headcount for supplies, tickets must be purchased by Wednesday, March 6th. Come for a fun and creative night out!

Beer and Wine in Rockport!

For the first time in, well….forever….you can purchase beer and wine in Rockport.  We’ve been big fans of Cracker Jacks in the Whistlestop Mall for years and things got extra exciting and convenient when they started carrying groceries a while back.  The addition of beer and wine to their fun, ever-growing, and rather eclectic assortment of goods is the icing on the cake!

A big selection…with a little sense of humor on the side….the Bury the Hatchet Bottle Shop is open and ready for your patronage.

Stop by and check them out for sure and while there browse for a large number of other things.  Yay, Rockport!!



Sunday with the Fisherman

Sometimes you just gotta have a Fisherman’s down at Cape Ann Brewing. Home Port Pale Ale seemed appropriate with my French Dip sandwich.

I love the lobster trap style holders for condiments. There were several families with young children enjoying the atmosphere. I asked what brought so many children in and was told the staff theorized that Cape Ann Brewing filled the hole Friendly’s left behind ( and at least the parents could drink). Seemed a reasonable theory to me. Cheers to the Fisherman!

Paris Day One

Paris, more beautiful than you can imagine.

What I’ve come to realize is that you can’t rely on decades old misconceptions that get repeated by dumb people.

People have been extremely friendly. You greet people with a Bonjour and a smile and you get the same back.

The cheese, the wine. Oh my goodness.

We’re staying in a beautiful apartment next to the Museo d’Orsay on the left bank. The city is laid out with large structures like the Arc de Triumph, Louvre and Eifel Tower that if you look up you can pretty much get your bearings pretty easily.

We took a double decker tour bus the first day which was a good idea as far as learning the lay of the land and seeing how many of the big sights are laid out.

I think we went to four different cafés yesterday- all fantastic. Coffees are small and delicious. Have yet to see a to-go cup. Out our door within two blocks we could probably go to a different one each day for a month.

So much to see. Time to get some coffee and get day 2 started.

Please forgive any spelling errors – there was wine yesterday. Lots and lots of wine😉


Acoustic Night: Headlands at Feather and Wedge 3/7


Headlands is back at Feather & Wedge for an Acoustic Dinner Night. John Rockwell, Amy Rich and Eric Wilson, all of Rockport, are looking forward to entertaining friends, old and new. Their powerful harmonies and great song selections, Roots, Americana and some Country, make for a night of terrific music and dining.

Thursday, March 7
7:30 – 10:00 PM

Reservations highly suggested! 978.999.5917

Feather & Wedge, 5 Main Street, Rockport, MA 01966

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What’s your shopping style?

Cape Ann Wellness

Here’s a few shopping characteristics of Vata, Pitta and Kapha…

Vata, Pitta and Kapha walk into a store:

Vata spends like there’s no tomorrow
Pitta buy’s the necessities & leaves
Kapha browses, shops sales & collections

Let us introduce you to yourself through the lens of Ayurveda with a private consultation.

Discover your true nature and how to align yourself to nature’s rhythm. Understanding and applying #Ayurveda principles empowers you to bring health, balance and harmony into your daily life.

If not now, When?

Contact us to set up a private consultation in person or phone/skype session:

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 🙂



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Seed Swap & Seed Starting Workshop

Cape Ann Community

seed swap 2019 (1)

Looking to refresh your seed collection this year and grow something exciting and new? Bring your seeds to trade at the Backyard Growers Seed Swap, where you can exchange seeeds and connect with other gardeners in the Gloucester community.

And don’t forget to stick around from 6 – 7 p.m. for our Seed Starting Workshop, where you’ll learn the best technique for starting your own veggies from seed. The Workshop is FREE for gardeners in our programs and $10 for other community members. The Seed Swap is free for everyone!

RSVP for the Seed Swap here and let us know you’ll be attending the Seed Starting Workshop here!

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