Help Improve Your Balance Through Movement – Nia Classes on Cape Ann

Cape Ann Wellness

fall-prevention-classBalance Issues for Older Adults

Can you improve your balance and coordination?  The answer is YES!

Not by sitting on the couch or surfing the web, but by moving and dancing

Check out this video from fitness trainer,  Andrew Schindle in Winnipeg.  His views on exercise and dance to help people improve strength and balance to help prevent falls.

Nia is a great way to get fit and work on balance and coordination regardless of your age or abilities.

Nia cardio-dance workouts combine 52 simple moves with dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to get you fit in 60 minutes – body, mind, emotion, and spirit.
Nia is non-impact, practiced barefoot, and adaptable to individual needs and abilities. Nia classes are taught by licensed Nia teachers.
Not sure what Nia is all about? Here is a video from founder, Debbie Rosas on Nia.

linda31Want to try Nia?


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VIVA SAN GIUSEPPE from the welcoming home of Nina and Franco Groppo ❤

This round one set of photos was taken at today’s lunchtime feast. Families with school-age children and another several hundred are expected for dinner tonight. All are welcome to the table at the Groppo Saint Joseph Day Feast.


See More Photos of the kids pasta-making day here –

Pictures from the West From Paul McGeary


Catherine and I are spending winter with the grandkids in California near Fresno. On our explorations around the Central Valley we’ve taken a few pix and thought we’d share them with you and your readers–give you a taste of what it’ll be like there in a couple of months.


Paul McGeary

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Wishing everyone a blessed St. Joseph’s Day!  Last night we finished up our 9 day Rosary at Sista Felicia’s, as she and Barry graciously open up their home to us each year. This year’s altar was a true labor of love and devotion and it may not be perfect, or exactly how our grandmother’s and great grandmother’s experienced it, but I can certainly tell you that “our elder village” was with us, guiding us and praying over us…and ok…maybe having a few chuckles with us along the way too! To sit and view the photos on the altars of the people we pray for is especially moving.  All of the altar breads were made by hand over the last 3 months by our Novena “Village” of women and are the focus of this year’s altar.   Our feast was held last Friday night and all of our 47 Novena Comare’s invited their families and friends to celebrate and honor St. Joseph.  Over 175 guest enjoyed an evening of prayer, friendship, faith and lots of delicious food!!   There just aren’t any photographs I could take that would do it justice but here are a few! Viva! Gesu, Maria, Giuseppe!



Kombucha Brewing Basics at Treetop Yoga

Cape Ann Wellness

‘Bucha Basics: Everything you need to start brewing Kombucha at home! Kombucha is so good for you, and super refreshing! We will review all the steps necessary to create this healthy, probiotic, effervescent elixir. You will leave with a starter Scoby (what ferments the tea) & starter tea, directions, and all your questions answered. Jori is a master Kombucha Brewer and has been brewing at home for years and years. Even if you have experience brewing Kombucha and you would like to learn more tips and suggestions this workshop is for you as well!
Investment: $35 in advance, $40 Day Of
Treetop Yoga Studio
3A Pond Road, Gloucester
Copy of 'Bucha Basics

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