Week 4 INVENTORS #GloucesterMA | Try Mr. Goulart’s local history trivia for 9th graders at Gloucester High School – good luck!


Over six weeks I’m posting local history trivia questions from Shaun Goulart’s creative weekly scavenger project for his 9th grade history class at Gloucester High School– except we’ll be one week behind the students’ pace. He explains that the “questions are multi-layered and usually have an image required in the submission. All questions will deal with Gloucester’s local history. I recommended to the students to utilize friends and family so your student may be reaching out to you for help. It is a competition and the prizes will be calculated into the Term 4 grade” for the students.

Mr. Goulart’s Local History Trivia Scavenger Hunt Week 4 Inventors

 1. John Hays Hammond Jr.

  • Go to the location of his home and take a picture with a member in it.

  • What did he invent?


2. Clarence Birdseye

  • Go to the location where his company was and take a picture with a member in it.

  • What did he invent?


3. Augustus H. Wonson

  • Go to the location of his grave and take a picture with a member in it.

  • What did he invent?


4. William Nelson Le Page

  • Go to the location where his company was after it moved from Rockport and take a picture with a member in it.

  • What did he invent?

  • Go to the location of Le Page’s company co-founder Ruben Brooks’ manor and take a picture with a member in it.



Prior Posts

3/26 /19 Week Three Results

3/24/19 Week Three Questions- Gloucester Firsts

3/21/19 Week Two results

3/17/19 Week Two questions- Defending Gloucester

3/14/19 Week One results

3/10/19 Week One trivia questions


2 thoughts on “Week 4 INVENTORS #GloucesterMA | Try Mr. Goulart’s local history trivia for 9th graders at Gloucester High School – good luck!

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