Seaside Garden Club’s June Meeting

Cape Ann Community

The June 12 meeting of the Seaside Garden Club will conclude the season with a very special field trip to Powder House Hill followed by a pot luck supper back at the Manchester Community Center. Guest speaker Nadine Mazola will introduce the concept of “Forest Bathing” to the group. Forest Therapy is a research-based framework for supporting healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments. In Japan it is called “Shinrin Yoku,” which translates to “forest bathing.” Studies have demonstrated a wide array of health benefits, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems. Nadine is a Certified Forest Therapy Guide through the “Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs” ( Her training includes special knowledge in guiding people of all ages in Shinrin Yoku. There is a body of scientific knowledge that supports the benefits of walking and spending time in nature…

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