Top o the mornin’ from Farm Bar and Grille! Irish breakfast & Mike O’Leary & Friends LIVE celtic music felt like a pub in Dublin, and home πŸ€πŸ€

Saturday Saint patties day @FarmBarGrille in Essex started extra early this year (officially 9:30 AM to 11 AM) with a superb Irish Breakfast,Β  LIVE Irish music from Mike O’Leary & friends, festive beverages, amazing coffee & famous Irish soda bread.Β They’re serving a great menu ALL day. Get over there while it lasts! (And mark your calendars next year!)

shamrock shakes, irish coffees and other specialty festive drinks


Farm Bar and Grille, 233 Western Avenue, Essex, (978)768-0000 Facebook – @FarmEssex

MENU and scenes from early this morning

Mike O’Leary played with David de La Barre (Irish whistle and voice) and Linda Swicker (voice). Fiona Warner lilting voice accompanied the trio, and with Maeve, too.

Irish Breakfast LIVE music Michael O’Leary and friends at Farm Bar and Grille St Patrick’s Day 2018 (L-E) David de La Barre, Linda Swicker,Β  Fiona Warner, Michael O’Leary

tail end of mountain dew

bonus (one of Michael O’Leary’s favorite St. Patrick’s Day tunes) do you know it?

Their restaurant En Fuego will feature some creative St Patrick’s Day specials, too.

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