The Adventure’s Fo’c’sle is coming along.

Hi Joey,

Despite the cold, snowy weather, the Schooner Adventure’s crew continue to be hard at work below deck.

They are rebuilding the fo’c’s’le – crew bunks and galley.    Here are a few shots that show the work done to date.  Most of these shots are taken from near the mid ship area looking forward towards the bow.   The vertically boarded wall is the bow’s watertight bulkhead.   This was not originally present on the Adventure, but is a current Coast Guard requirement.   I’ve included a couple of shots of John Miles and our intern, Sarah, doing the woodworking.   The last 2 shots show the vertical partitions between the bunks.   The final shot is taken from the bow looking aft towards a mast and the watertight bulkhead that separates the fo’c’s’le from the fish hold.   The galley will be built along that bulkhead.

Mary Barker

2 thoughts on “The Adventure’s Fo’c’sle is coming along.

  1. This is truly a work of art and craftsman skilled in this past down through the gnerations Very nice thanks Mary & Capt Joe! 🙂 Dave -KIm:-)


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