GloucesterCast 12/15/13 With That Nutty Redhead and John Thomas Grant


The GloucesterCast Podcast Taped 12/15/13 With That Nutty Redhead and John Thomas Grant and Host Joey Ciaramitaro

To listen to the podcast-

To order your nuts –



for John’s Photography-

Long Time FOB Jim Hughes Has Some Nice Things To Say

Hi Joey,

   We have never met but I’ve followed your blog since, I believe it was late 2007, it was a few months after Good Morning Gloucester came on line. Some friends had spent a day in Gloucester and had taken a picture of a sign in Cripple Cove that was hanging on a buoy. The picture did not come out well and they talked so much about what the sign said that I I had to find out just what it was. I talked to the editor at The Gloucester Times and he recommended I contact you since you were close to the buoy. I opened your blog and became so fascinated with your stories about Jinglenuts, Homey, Sista Felicia, Ed Collard, David Cox and his sport pictures Sean’s antics around the dock, your trips to the Caribbean and Naples  and more, that it became a morning ritual to read Pauly  Walnuts, Debbi, Marty’s Black and White creations, Friar Mathews pictures and quotes, and so on. I feel like I’ve lived in Gloucester for a long time and some day hopefully the winds will blow me north far enough to visit there.

   Now the point of this babbling, today I was in the office of Rich Jones Electric on Marco Island (17 miles south of Naples) and two customers walked in and saw the sailboats on the wall and started talking about old sailing vessels. The word Gloucester was dropped here and there and I asked “did I hear Gloucester mentioned”, Yes! they said, I could not help but ask if they had heard of Joey Ciaramitaro, “Joey, ” one said, “I’m his Uncle Bill, or rather his partners Uncle But everyone calls me Uncle Bill”. Bill Chambers.  A connection was made with Gloucester. Uncle Bill talked about your grandfather and the Nazis. I had read about it in your blog but wanted to hear his version(ha).  He talked about your lobsters and your Mother and Father and how great you and your cousin are, don’t get a swelled head, I know that no body could be as great as Uncle Bill said you are(ha). This makes the hope to visit Gloucester even stronger, when that day comes I’ll stop by and say Hay.

    Keep up the good work. Long may GMG live!!

Jim Hughes 

My New Website

milkweed website copy final ©Kim Smith 2013

When you have a spare moment, I hope you’ll have a look at my new website at Kim Smith Designs. I think the wordpress theme Twenty Twelve is especially terrific for sharing photographs, films, and design projects. The Home page is my blog and above in the heading area are drop down menus highlighting current public design projects, new films, and more about my book Oh Garden of Fresh Possibilities!

On the HarborWalk page there are photos and information about some of the wildflowers planted there, with photos of the butterflies that these native beauties were planted to attract. You will also find a link to join the Friends of the HarborWalk. We are looking for volunteer members. I am going to be giving lots of talks about wildflowers and butterflies for members at the gardens this upcoming season and while volunteering, it will be a great opportunity for you to become better acquainted with the flora and fauna indigenous to the Northeast

I hope you find all easy to navigate. Thank you so much for visiting my website!

9 Days Before Christmas Song ~ The Killers “A Great Big Sled”

“A Great Big Sled” is an original song released by The Killers in 2006.

Verse 1:
The snowman is shaping up to be an eight,
but not out of ten
The robots awake to find out they’ve been taped down
wondering when
They’ll break through these chains, but
little boys have action toys for brains
I’m living proof it can last a long time
Now the girls up the street are in scents sweet
well they’re all in bed
They got their makeup and dreams, wonderland
sprinkled inside their heads
Soon they will change,
but tonight Hollywood has never seemed so strange
Their mother’s praying it’ll last a long time

Chorus 1:
I wanna roll around like a kid in the snow
I wanna relearn what I already know
Just let me take flight
dressed in red through the night on a great big sled
I wanna wish you Merry Christmas… Ho Ho Ho Continue reading “9 Days Before Christmas Song ~ The Killers “A Great Big Sled””

INSTRUMENTAL GIVING to support MUSIC CREATES at House of Blues in Boston ~ Wednesday December 18th

Music Creates LogBE INSTRUMENTAL!!!

 Help Us

 Ring in the Holidays on December 18th

Please join us Wednesday Night, December 18th, at the HOUSE OF BLUES in Boston for a night of INSTRUMENTAL GIVING to support MUSIC CREATES.

MUSIC CREATES is a non-profit established in 2002 whose mission is to bring music programs into our Public Schools free of charge. Our Teaching Artists are all working professionals who have played with everyone from the Allman Brothers to Freddie Hubbard.

Based on our vision and track record in NYC, where we have been working for the past 11 years, we are pleased to announce that a very special CEO has generously underwritten MUSIC CREATES music programs in the Boston area.

One person rising up through their inspiration can change us all!

Kicking off MUSIC CREATES Boston debut, join us for a fabulously rockin’ night. Coming all the way from Orlando, we are so pleased to have Good Luck Penny.  From NYC, Combust A Groove. This 8-member group is garnering a lot of media attention. It’s something you have probably never seen before!

Other special guests include Boston legend Andy Pratt and Gerry Mordis, 1st violinist for the Boston Pops who has also performed with Aerosmith and Cyndi Lauper.

Gifts from the Community

Joey does the unboxing of his new swag, and here's one of my gifts from Friday night's GMG Holiday Party. Let's call it "unbagging."
Joey does the unboxing of his new swag, and here’s one of my gifts from Friday night’s GMG Holiday Party. Let’s call it “unbagging.”
Gloucester potter Marty Morgan came to the party, and plunked this down on my desk. For me!
Gloucester potter Marty Morgan came to the party, and plunked this down on my desk. For me!
And this is it baby! I'm not sure what those bulbs are, but I'm really glad I didn't take a bite of one of those white rocks. I only hear good words about Marty. www.martymorgan
And this is it baby! I’m not sure what those bulbs are, but I’m really glad I didn’t take a bite of one of those white rocks. I only hear good words about Marty. http://www.martymorgan

Rant: Someone Needs To Take The Fashion Designer That Decided Aztec Prints Were Gonna Be The “Thing” This Year Behind The Woodshed…

2013-12-13 12.16.11Someone Needs To Take The Fashion Designer That Decided Aztec Print Fashion Was Gonna Be  the “Thing” This Year Behind The Woodshed and Pop a Cap in His/Her Ass.

Who was the high powered fashion magazine editor or designer that decided that Aztec print clothing was gonna be the rage this year?  I hope y’all don’t have any investments in retail because this shit just isn’t gonna sell and they’re gonna take some serious markdowns on this crap.  And it isn’t just like one or two retailers having it on their racks.  It’s like every single shop at the Mall has Native Aztec fashion front and center like it’s gonna revolutionize the fashion world.

Fire ‘em.  Fire ‘em all.  Every last woman’s clothing retail buyer should be fired on the spot for trotting out such ugly fashion this year.

Can’t we get back just a little bit to Jackie O?  Is that too much to ask?

I was walking through Nordstrom and they’re also pushing MC Hammer Pants for ladies.  For real???????  Oh and don’t even get me started on the whole high-waisted shorts thing.  Might as well bring back 80’s bangs and spiked up hair.

They ought to just hire your boy Joey to get them back on track.  You know the most unlikely joint of all that’s keeping things relatively normal- brace yourselves…. Sears Lands End for Men, Women and Children. If you would have told me I’d have more success shopping at Sears Lands End than Nordstrom 5 years ago I would have told you that you were crazy.  But the facts are the facts- when Nordies rolls out MC Hammer Pants, High-Waisted Jeans and Aztec clothing as this year’s “It” fashions you gotta call ‘em out on it and someone needs to lose their job in the buying department.  Bottom Line. End Of Story.


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The Open Door 3-Minute Shopping Spree Winner!

Hi Joey,

Kathi Murphy ran The Open Door 3-Minute Shopping Spree this morning at Market Basket filling her cart with more than $1500 worth of groceries to help feed her big family for the next year! Congratulations to Kathi for a good run!

The Shopping Spree Raffle is offered each year as a fundraiser for The Open Door! Watch next August for your chance to enter and WIN!

Happy holidays and Onward!
