Long Time FOB Jim Hughes Has Some Nice Things To Say

Hi Joey,

   We have never met but I’ve followed your blog since, I believe it was late 2007, it was a few months after Good Morning Gloucester came on line. Some friends had spent a day in Gloucester and had taken a picture of a sign in Cripple Cove that was hanging on a buoy. The picture did not come out well and they talked so much about what the sign said that I I had to find out just what it was. I talked to the editor at The Gloucester Times and he recommended I contact you since you were close to the buoy. I opened your blog and became so fascinated with your stories about Jinglenuts, Homey, Sista Felicia, Ed Collard, David Cox and his sport pictures Sean’s antics around the dock, your trips to the Caribbean and Naples  and more, that it became a morning ritual to read Pauly  Walnuts, Debbi, Marty’s Black and White creations, Friar Mathews pictures and quotes, and so on. I feel like I’ve lived in Gloucester for a long time and some day hopefully the winds will blow me north far enough to visit there.

   Now the point of this babbling, today I was in the office of Rich Jones Electric on Marco Island (17 miles south of Naples) and two customers walked in and saw the sailboats on the wall and started talking about old sailing vessels. The word Gloucester was dropped here and there and I asked “did I hear Gloucester mentioned”, Yes! they said, I could not help but ask if they had heard of Joey Ciaramitaro, “Joey, ” one said, “I’m his Uncle Bill, or rather his partners Uncle But everyone calls me Uncle Bill”. Bill Chambers.  A connection was made with Gloucester. Uncle Bill talked about your grandfather and the Nazis. I had read about it in your blog but wanted to hear his version(ha).  He talked about your lobsters and your Mother and Father and how great you and your cousin are, don’t get a swelled head, I know that no body could be as great as Uncle Bill said you are(ha). This makes the hope to visit Gloucester even stronger, when that day comes I’ll stop by and say Hay.

    Keep up the good work. Long may GMG live!!

Jim Hughes 

Jim Hughes Funky Lobster Claw

Hi Joey,

   An interesting event happened last night at our neighbors Lobster party. They went to a market here in Naples and asked for 9-1 1/2 pound lobsters. They were given 2 bags full of Lobsters and brought them home.  As they were cooking, this claw was noticed. Apparently, something under the sea also has a craving for this fine meat. All they got of this one was a bite, and the bite had grown over with a dark hard shell. I’m sure that you have seen this a lot, but it was a first for us. It made a great conversation piece.

Jim Hughes