Video: Good Harbor Beach Sunrise

Good Harbor Beach, with Great Blue Heron and mini time-lapse sunrise towards the end.

Oftentimes I see herons, gulls, and crows fishing peaceably together at daybreak. Not this morning! The heron vigorously defends its territory, while the crow has a reputation for stealing what others catch, and both are very hungry. Look for the heron eating an eel at about @1 minute 40 seconds.

No borrowed music in this mini film; the sound of crickets, shorebirds, surf, and train whistle make a song of their own, and I really wanted the heron’s loud quarking heard. Creating these mini films helps to organize B-roll for my Monarch film and the next daybreak video is the foggy morning sunrise with the whimbrels.

39 thoughts on “Video: Good Harbor Beach Sunrise

  1. I’m gonna play that all winter to keep sane. That was amazing. My heart rate dropped about 3 notches while I watched….. soo peaceful.


    1. Thanks Kathy–like going to Niles at the end of the day to see the sunset. We’re so lucky in East Gloucester, with the sunrise over Good Harbor and the sunset over Niles!


  2. Fantastic! I could watch this over and over. It defines what it is to love Glosta. Incredible shot of the heron’s breakfast. Who could not feel at peace there. Once again, beautiful work, Kim.


    1. Thank you saint707 for your very sweet comments. I was so lucky to get that shot of the eel!! It truly is peaceful, even though oftentimes there are many people watching the sunrise–everyone for the most part is just taking in the beauty!


  3. WOW…just beautiful …so peaceful I’m going to play over and over again while practicing Yoga…great wait to start the day! Thanks Kim


  4. Got a lump in my throat watching this. Makes me so homesick for my native city of Gloucester. Also liked it for the sounds of my favorite things, seagulls, the waves & the train. Thanks for not adding music to it. .


  5. I hated to see it end… much beauty , such a precious moment, captured with elegance and respect filled me with awe, quiet joy and thanks . I will keep it as long as I can, for it is a deeply touching and admirable gift . thank you .


    1. Thank you Solange for your very kind words. It is a gift to be able to film and make content like this sunrise film and have a place like Joey’s Good Morning Gloucester to bring it to people like yourself who are so appreciative of the beauty that surrounds here on Cape Ann.


  6. Beautiful work, Kim. The way you use the focus really adds to the atmospheric quality of the scenes. Thank you for reminding me to slow down and drink in the beauty all around us today.


    1. Thank you for noticing that Greg. The light was golden rusty red on the beach grass and I was trying to get it, and the heron–the heron flew away but I was happy to just capture that brief moment.


  7. Kim, that piece is gorgeous. We are all surrounded by these creatures, but you have allowed me to really see that beautiful heron and the other morning creatures whose eyes are open long before I put my feet on the ground. Mother Nature’s glowing sun through the clouds was the perfect end….simply wonderful. Thank you!


    1. Sue thank you for your kind comments. Birds especially are a joy to observe. I love making the time lapse clips because while the camera is running I can poke around and find other views and subjects to film


  8. Natural music and natural setting you captured it all here! Peace of mind and spirit thanks- best of luck on this journey heron and raven personalities-personal space! šŸ™‚


  9. Thank you for taking me home again to one of my favorite and beloved places in Gloucester. I haven’t lived there in several decades, but every chance I get, we head up to Gloucester and I look forward to those sunrises over Good Harbor Beach. We stay at the Vista and the view is breathtaking. I sit outside the room with my first cup of coffee and watch the day come alive —first as the night sky gives way to dawn, the birds start arriving— gulls, ducks, herons, comorants. and crows. The air is filled with their sounds of greeting the day .Little by little, the sun makes its journey into the new day. You have captured my view up close and it brought Good Harbor and Gloucester back to me once more. Thank you. Carol


    1. Thank you Carol for adding your lovely description of the Good Harbor sunrise to the conversation.

      I always imagined the view from the Vista is gorgeous and now I know for certain!


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