Local Christina Russo Submits Her Elephant Orphanage In Zambia Story

Joey/GMG – 

I recently wrote a story for National Geographic about an elephant orphanage in Zambia. It may be of interest to readers of GMG —  particularly those who pay attention to the poaching crisis currently taking place in Africa (tens of thousands of elephants slaughtered  every year for ivory). 

all best,




3 thoughts on “Local Christina Russo Submits Her Elephant Orphanage In Zambia Story

  1. Thanks and congratulations for such and incisive and important post.

    This was all brought home to me about two weeks ago when I read that 40 of these magnificent creatures were poisoned at their watering hole in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, a place that Barbara and I visited in June. It is quite possible that they were part of one of the herds that I filmed and posted on GMG. Not only were the elephants slaughtered, but all of the many species
    that share that source of water were poisoned as well.

    Christina, keep up the good work in bringing this atrocity to a wider audience.


    1. Thank you so much, Marty,

      I was reading this evening that the most recent estimates for the elephant poisonings in Zimbabwe are upwards of 69; although I think officials believe there may be even more dead. Devastating that they were quite possibly a herd you filmed.



  2. Horrible what is happening to these wonderful animals, keep up the great work letting people know the story about what is happening to them.


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