Happy, Happy Birthday Baby

Andromeda Emmeline Lammott is 4 years old today. DOB 9/11/09 at 11:11 pm in Chicago, IL. Her mother is Vignette, and Lucas is her dad. I spent most of the day with little Andromeda on Monday, while Vignette and Peggy of the POP Gallery gave my gallery a window "makeover." It was a birthday present from them. Delightful all around, so happy birthday to little Andromeda.
Andromeda Emmeline Lammott is 4 years old today. DOB 9/11/09 at 11:11 pm in Chicago, IL. Her mother is Vignette, and Lucas is her dad. I spent most of the day with little Andromeda on Monday, while Vignette and Peggy of the POP Gallery gave my gallery a window “makeover.” It was a birthday present from them. Delightful all around, so happy birthday to little Andromeda.

9 thoughts on “Happy, Happy Birthday Baby

    1. The first time I posted a photo of Andromeda on GMG was Halloween, 2012, when she was costumed as the Norse god Thor. Her pink badge of courage, the bandaid, testifies to her bravery at the doctor’s office. It was for a routine innoculation.


  1. Hooray!
    Not only is she cute and sassy smart, she’s incredibly resourceful and helpful as a design and style assistant at POP Gallery on main st, where she holds a part time Sales position and design consultant!!


  2. Happy birthday –
    May the sun bring you new energy by day,
    may the moon softly restore you by night,
    may the rain wash away your worries,
    may the breeze blow new strength into your being,
    may you walk gently through the world and
    know it’s beauty all the days of your life.
    — Apache Blessing


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