Nancy Shaw From Lanesville Submits Some Storm Photos and a Deer Hanging From a Tree

Hi Joey!

For some strange reason I receive my Good Morning Gloucester Blog in the evening!  So for me it is a Good Night Gloucester every night before I go to bed.  Thank you for your informative and interesting blog. 

Here are a few pics that I took yesterday in the Northeaster Storm.  Also there is one of a deer hanging in a tree on Rt. 127 going towards Annisquam that I thought was rather different as it is out in public for all to see.  My son who has the award winning Hunter Angler Gardner Cook blog ( said it is a spike deer and very good eating.  Although he thought hanging it in the front yard was rather brazen!

Happy New Year!

Nancy Shaw from Lanesville


9 thoughts on “Nancy Shaw From Lanesville Submits Some Storm Photos and a Deer Hanging From a Tree

    1. I agree…. hanging in the front yard. I know that’s what they have to do with them, but all I could think of is it’s Christmas and all the little kids seeing that and then thinking of the reindeer…. Wish they’d hung it more discreetly.


  1. Definitely could have done without seeing the poor deer. Why? Why show this photo? Why kill a deer? Such a beautiful animal.
    This is a complete downer.


    1. Lisa, glad you asked the question. I have seen many deer hung high. I agree it is a shocker to see. So I was interested to find out why. Although I agree maybe backyard would be better than front yard, it is not on “Display”, it is of purpose. I do not hunt. A friend of mine says you need to hang, or age, the deer for a week or so if low temperature allows. After rigormortis It helps to 1) bleed the animal, 2) enzymes got to work to tenderize the meat, and 3) helps with skinning the hide. Commercial Beef Critters are often aged for several weeks if not months.
      The same, though in different mannor, is done with seafood. The bigger the fish the more you want to guard against bacteria. Most specie of fish are “G & G”. Gilled and Gutted at sea. That is what all those “Homies” (gulls) are doing chasing the dayboats back to shore each night. And why the scavenger lobsters and crabs are happy. They are after the free meal of gills and guts. I cannot even imagine over the decades how much protien was “H & G” in this town. “Head & Gut”


      1. Also, do you remember the 1980 TV mini series “Shogun”? The part where Richard Chamberlain’s host family was disgusted by the hanging of fresh killed chickens? The patriarch could not stand the sight and cut them down knowing it would cost him his life.
        An example of different society’s views.


  2. It is more than just “brazen.” It is incredibly disturbing and entirely inappropriate for our community. To hang a dead deer on Washington St in Annisquam, is thoughtless and insensitive to those who care about animals. Furthermore, to have left it there as long as they have, is callus and inexcusable.


    1. oh please Lindy! Do you eat Steak, Hamburg, Chicken, Fish? go on youtube to see how the slaughter houses operate. I have Friends who hunt deer and they process the meat themselves. They eat every part they can. I’ve had venison chile and it was awesome. Also This area has an over abundance of deer. Deer carry Ticks wherever they go.


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