Joey C Advice To Youngsters

There will come a day either in middle school or high school or on the street with friends that somebody offers you pills to get high.

Do yourself a favor and just never ever ever ever ever take one.  Not if it’s free, not if your friend or acquaintance makes fun of you or calls you a pussy.  Not if that really hot chick that you’ve been dying to get with is there and she is taking one.   There’s no freaking reason for you to take a pill recreationally.

Yes you’re young.  Yes you feel invincible and your testosterone and estrogen are doing crazy things to your body. But just trust me on this one.  I’ve seen smart good looking people that thought they would only take them once in a while just completely screw their lives up.  First you need one or two,, then one or two turns into four or six,  then your missing days at work, stealing from your parents to get money for pills, then you try the oxytocin, then the oxy becomes too expensive and while just a year before you would laugh at the idea that you would ever consider sticking a needle in your arm you have to get high and the only thing you can afford is a cheap bag of crack or heroin.

There’s no need to take pills.  None.  Not to look cool because some hot piece of ass broad is taking pills, not because your buddy is taking them, no reason.  No reason at all.

Please don’t consider this preaching.  Just consider it a friendly message from someone who wants the best for you.  I’ve seen handsome young men turn into walking dead zombies and I want better for you.  I’ve seen beautiful young women turn into crack ho’s with brown jagged teeth and sullen sunken in faces that made them look 30 years older than they were.

Oh, and stay in school for as long as you can pull it off, it’s wayyyy easier than working for a living.


11 thoughts on “Joey C Advice To Youngsters

  1. Through my journey of Life ,I have lost many friends through drug abuse. I myself through those years always walked the other way. Please take heed young people of my message. It was written years ago after losing a good friend.

    Tortured Soul
    By Peter A. Todd

    In the torture of half baked mind and miserable soul
    I seem to recall, that it was not long ago
    While in the schoolyard, with girls and boys at play
    This new boy, offered me candy that day
    Although it didn’t taste like it, because it was far to sweet
    I thought that because he gave it to me, this kid was neat
    He became my idol, to look up to in my growing years
    Little did I know then, they would be filled with tears?
    I imagined myself a big man, the day he gave me a smoke
    But now through my twisted mind, O man was that a big joke
    He soon taught me to steal, to pay for both our joints
    His badgered tales in my mind to anoint
    For it was not long, before I got into something more strongly
    Although my parents and loved ones, tried to tell me it was wrong
    But I just didn’t care, I needed to forget and get high
    To get away from my parents, in the clouds I will hide
    The years have gone by, but to me they have stood still
    For the want of a fix, I believe I could kill
    I need to escape the rats are coming clear to my head
    Oh dear Jesus, is this what it’s like to be brain dead?
    My arms seem to be getting thinner; I can see all my bones
    Oh dear God, it’s been so long since I’ve been home
    My neck seems to be getting hot, sand it’s traveling to my brain
    How long will this curse of the Demons, within me remain?
    I’ll just curl up in this alley, my coat under my head
    Then maybe by the grace of God, by morning I’ll be dead
    To be free from this miserable life, that my own ignorance gave
    To pray to my Savior, from the Satan’s Hell to be saved.


  2. Tortured Soul
    By Peter A. Todd

    In the torture of half baked mind and miserable soul
    I seem to recall, that it was not long ago
    While in the schoolyard, with girls and boys at play
    This new boy, offered me candy that day
    Although it didn’t taste like it, because it was far to sweet
    I thought that because he gave it to me, this kid was neat
    He became my idol, to look up to in my growing years
    Little did I know then, they would be filled with tears?
    I imagined myself a big man, the day he gave me a smoke
    But now through my twisted mind, O man was that a big joke
    He soon taught me to steal, to pay for both our joints
    His badgered tales in my mind to anoint
    For it was not long, before I got into something more strongly
    Although my parents and loved ones, tried to tell me it was wrong
    But I just didn’t care, I needed to forget and get high
    To get away from my parents, in the clouds I will hide
    The years have gone by, but to me they have stood still
    For the want of a fix, I believe I could kill
    I need to escape the rats are coming clear to my head
    Oh dear Jesus, is this what it’s like to be brain dead?
    My arms seem to be getting thinner; I can see all my bones
    Oh dear God, it’s been so long since I’ve been home
    My neck seems to be getting hot, sand it’s traveling to my brain
    How long will this curse of the Demons, within me remain?
    I’ll just curl up in this alley, my coat under my head
    Then maybe by the grace of God, by morning I’ll be dead
    To be free from this miserable life, that my own ignorance gave
    To pray to my Savior, from the Satan’s Hell to be saved.


  3. I couldn’t have said it better, Joey. And of course, Peter’s words are always welcome. Kids don’t like to listen to us old farts, but here’s one time it’s worth the listen!


  4. Joey, I’ve been having this discussion with my kids for years. Not just pills, though, even that ‘decriminalized’ weed can do you in. It is a ‘gateway’ drug, kids don’t want to hear that though. I don’t know anyone that ended up just smoking pot without eventually trying other drugs. Drugs are drugs and all kinds flow in the same circles of users. And, yes, pot is addictive, not physically, but psychologically, it changes the brain. The younger the user, the more likely permanent brain changes. I’ve been off it for 33 years and still won’t be anywhere near the stuff. The consequences of poor decisions I made while under the influence are still with me.


    1. I may or may not have smoked pot a couple dozen times without trying other drugs.

      I dont even like taking pain meducation prescribed by a doctor. Whenever possible I’ll take tylenol or advil instead.


  5. Joey, Peter Todd, Thank you.
    I sit holding my 1 year old grandson and think of friends I grew up with. While my kids were growing up, we talked. My wife or kids will ask “You talk of this one or that one. You tell stories of up till you all were late teens. Tell us about where they are now.” I have no answer to that. Living or dead, there is no “now” for many of those childhood friends. Education and conversation are our best tools, along with living as examples.


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