Down the Fort: Part 2

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9 thoughts on “Down the Fort: Part 2

  1. I’m glad you posted, I was worried. These are interesting photos. Who, but us, would know that the Fort is a peninsula jutting out into Gloucester Harbor, with million dollar views. It looks like you’re on the streets of an old New England mill town. I can think of several that look just like this. Every town and city shares the same sky, which you capture so well.


    1. Had it all set, but forgot to hit “schedule.”
      I find the Fort fascinating. It’s a mixture of industry and homes in, as you mention, an extraordinarily beautiful setting. I have several more of these posts planned and hope to get some local help to expand the project to cover the people who live and work in the Fort.


      1. Hi my friend, I’m glad to know you’re OK. I don’t know much about scheduling posts, as I don’t have that access. What I would love to see is Fort residents, as portrait subjects, in front of their family homes (with history), and Fort workers in or outside of their places of employment. Not to be forgotten are the fishing boats that unload there and the trucks that take the seafood product to market all over New England. You are the artist, and whatever you come up with will be great. Happy New Year to you and Barbara.


  2. Love your Fort series, especially this one, though I am biased as I am a resident! In the first shot, it is my bedroom that you see jutting out behind the car, my apt is the first floor. Love the views and the neighborhood, though I have only lived there for 2 years and I’m “just” a renter. But I would be happy to help however I can. I have offered to other GMGrs like Paulie Walnuts and EJ that they are welcome to take pictures or paint from either inside my apt or from my backyard (which is an amazing slice of heaven in the Fort, complete with a peaceful walkway down to a Haitian Hut and some of the best views of the Paint Factory), of course you would be more than welcome as well. I know some folks who grew up down the Fort and there is the wonderful history of Charles Olsen, too. Of course you need to talk to Jimmy T and Sal Zerelli and others who have lived there forever (have you seen his wonderful film on The Fort, “No Pretty Prayer”? They played it at Cape Ann Community Cinema a few years back, it was awesome).


    1. in fact, now that I look closer, that’s my car, must have parked in front to load or unload! wish I saw you taking pics, could have given you a tour.


  3. Part 2, is my house. The 3 decker white one with the Christmas decorations in the 2nd fl windows. I have lived here 27 yrs. The parking lot at the bottom of the hill was my grandfathers property.He was a fisherman nd so were all of his dons, including my father .. Be happy to talk with you sometime.I am a former City Councilor. Defeated because of the hotel.


  4. Thank you all for your comments. I would love to shoot a series of portraits of Fort residents and workers accompanied by their comments and recollections. Anyone who would like to participate can contact me at
    Jenn and Ann, I’ll be in touch. Laurel, I know that you and Jimmy can be of great assistance. I’ve seen No Pretty Prayer and loved it.
    Fred, as always, thanks for your guidance.


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