Vigil for Captain and Crew Member of Foxy Lady II

The families of  Captain Wally Gray, Jr. and  crew member Wayne Young, of F.V. Foxy Lady II along with dozens of friends and supporters from Maine and Gloucester gathered at the Fisherman’s Memorial to pay their respects to the two men who were declared lost at sea this week.

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7 thoughts on “Vigil for Captain and Crew Member of Foxy Lady II

  1. Thanks Marty, It is so very sad. You captured the vigil so well. Nice work for the community. You are certainly making an impact here, a good one.


  2. I wanted to take a moment to thank each and everyone who attended the vigil for the lost fisherman, and of course the special attention paid to the two recent fishermen lost at sea from Deer Isle. Wallace “Chubby” Gray II, our baby boy, and Wayne Young, a devoted family man and husband. Again, thank you very much everyone for your support and loving words. God Bless.

    Wally and Carol Gray
    Deer Isle, Maine


    1. Sorry cap Wally was a great fisherman I’m so sorry for your loss. This is Paul Agnor I fished on the Gabriael and Paige with you guys in Feb 09 god be with you and your family cap


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