This Is Gloucester Joey C Black and White Series- Oakes Cove Landing


13 thoughts on “This Is Gloucester Joey C Black and White Series- Oakes Cove Landing

  1. Good stuff…I don’t know, maybe it’s the barren branches against the clouds or the way those boat thingys are scattered around or maybe just the b&w but this photo has an ominous feel to it. Like a big storm had just hit.
    I like it.


  2. love this photo! makes me wish the fellow in the backround came down to where the boats are – just standing there with his arms crossed – like ya, what are ya doing here


    1. He did. And he ruined the video I was taking at the time, LOL!

      Paulie saw my truck parked on the road and worked his way down toward where I was filming talking away.


        1. Of course, because that’s what everyone wants to hear- the ramblings of a couple of mad men instead of the rustling of the trees.


  3. It’s the boat launch on Rocky Neck — I think the same place the plunge took place in January. What I will say is that, when we used to store our dinghy there (among the boats on the right), some guy tried to claim it by spray-painting his name on it!


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