Cape Ann Figureskating Club Info

I just want to introduce our club to your news blog.  We skate out of the Talbott rink @ the O’Maley Middle School in Gloucester and @ The Pingree School in Hamilton.

We have a fantastic Learn-To-Skate Program as well as groups, clinics and private classes for all levels.  7 of our skaters, after qualifying @ the 2011 Bay State Games

traveled to San Diego to compete against athletes from across the country, they all came home with at least one medal!

Our Web site is:   and our FACEBOOK page is:

Next Saturday our skaters @ 12:00 our having a Halloween party, they are wearing their costumes and can bring a friend that can skate for free!

Let me know if I can give you anymore information about our club!!


Maryanne Askwyth

Halloween bring a friend

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