FEMA flood INFO for Cape Ann From Kenny MacCarthy

Hi Joey,

Over the last few months, I’ve compiled a lot of information on the new FEMA regulations and flood zones here on Cape Ann. The links are all in one place on my blog. Just click here.

If you don’t need this, share it with someone that does. It’s a big deal and will really affect property values.

As always, let me know if I can help.



Come One Come All To The Rocky Neck New Year’s Day Plunge

I spoke with my peeps at CBS Boston and I think they will be sending a news crew to cover it!  Come hang out and have a ball!  This is the first day of 2012- come break down that comfort zone and set yourself to try new things with the incredible fun and energy that IS THE NEW YEAR’S DAY ROCKY NECK PLUNGE!

Meet us at Passports before hand 10:00AM for the $8.99 New Year’s Day breakfast buffet (I suggest you get there a little before 10 because it’s gonna be a crazy scene just like last year).

Then on To Oakes Cove Beach for the noon time plunge.  Click here for directions so you have no excuse.

Even if you’re not plunging come down and revel with the crazy people.  If you take any pictures or video send your pics or YouTube videos to goodmorninggloucester@yahoo.com and we will post them!


Info from Cathy Mccarthy


I know we have a lot of who plungers who have not participated before and want to make sure we all honor our traditions.

My husband ,myself and Amanda Nash started this years ago as Jeff and I were L street Brownies and his friend who brought us to southie passed away, we decided we would do it on the neck.

We have George Sibley do an poem . Its quick ….. We do a count down from 10 and we all plunge in mass. That’s it.

I have got a few calls about what we are about and we are just a great group people who like to celebrate every occasion.

I thought it was important this year to do something to give back and organized the food drive.

Thanks for the plug. Fyi. My husbands name is Jeff Surette (not Mccarthy)


Cathy Mccarthy

Here’s a video I took way back in June 2008 telling folks where it is-


Erik at Passports Is Offering Up an $8.99 Breakfast Buffet Pre Plunge!  We plan to meet there at 10AM, come eat with us!

If you enter your name here on GMG beforehand, get listed as a pledge to plunge and do it, we will enter your name into a hat and pick one of the GMG listed plungers post plunge for a $100 Azorean Gift card. Card was donated by our Terry Weber.  No entries will be accepted on the scene of the crime, you have to put in a comment here or contact me ahead of time to confirm you are on “The List”.

The List Is Now Closed!

If you pledge to plunge and then bail out for ANY REASON, that gives us free license to ridicule you for the entire year!

I can tell you it is incredibly invigorating and the very best way to start your year. It sets you up to overcome a fear and once you do it the rest of the year you feel like you can and will do anything!

The plunge goes off at noon on Oaks Cove Beach on Rocky Neck.

The List

Joey C, Donna Ardizzoni, Rick Moore, Ed Collard, Paul Morrison, Rick Paolillo, Melissa Cox, Dr. Ray Cahill, Colleen Apostolos-Marsh, Lotus Marsh, Lukas and Lasse Struppe, Owen, Henry, and Jon Hardy, Alexandra Rhinelander, Charles Du Deaubien Gaspien (or something like that), Ericka Hyam, Steve LeBlanc, Jamie Verga, Kevin Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Denny Cunningham, Carolyn Kirk, Bill Kirk, Amanda Nash, Tom Robinson Cox, Mike and Eva DiLascio, Amandacakes and Beasley, Keara the chick with the heavy green eye shadow (I forgot her last name), Vickie Van Ness, Greg Bover, Brian O’Connor, Skip Montello,Kane Oshiro,Barry “Cuda” Pollack, Charles Rodgers, Lindell Willnow, Terry Weber, Jason Grow, Maisey, Jeamima and Matilda, Karen Ristuben, Wendie Demuth,Scott LeVasseur ,Tony Goddess,Mike Nicastro, Alicia Pensarosa, Nicole, Ben and Emma Duckworth,Lily Steiner, Chelsea Audin, Malena Lund, Jennelle Rhodes,Jim Dowd and Rebecca and Treely Dowd, Kellie Rich, The Del Vecchio Family,Bob and Andrea Ritchie, Sonja, Evelyn, Daniel and Edward Merz,Brendan and David Driscoll,Tom Bruno,Tim Bushfield .

Food Drive

Carol McCarthy is organizing a food drive for the Open Door Food Pantry.  Here’s the deets-

Just a heads up that I am organizing a food drive the day of the Plunge… PLunge will be at Noon and the food drive is to benefit The Open Door..  They are in real need this year and Its time we give back on the Neck..   I asking everyone to bring what is needed by the Pantry.. I emailed Judy Cox and she is posting in the newsletter this week.. We need to make a HUGE push for the food pantry… What is desperately needed!!!!   Barrels will be set up at the entrance of Oak Cove Beach for the non-perishables.. Thanks Joey..

Cathy McCarthy  8978 317 2352

TUNA, Peanut Butter, Pasta Sauce, 100% Juice, Baking Items, Breakfast Cereal…

2011 Rocky Neck Plunge Video From InterMurph

Cape Ann Figureskating Club Info

I just want to introduce our club to your news blog.  We skate out of the Talbott rink @ the O’Maley Middle School in Gloucester and @ The Pingree School in Hamilton.

We have a fantastic Learn-To-Skate Program as well as groups, clinics and private classes for all levels.  7 of our skaters, after qualifying @ the 2011 Bay State Games

traveled to San Diego to compete against athletes from across the country, they all came home with at least one medal!

Our Web site is: http://cafsc.org/   and our FACEBOOK page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cape-Ann-Skating-Club/150068585048452

Next Saturday our skaters @ 12:00 our having a Halloween party, they are wearing their costumes and can bring a friend that can skate for free!

Let me know if I can give you anymore information about our club!!


Maryanne Askwyth

Halloween bring a friend

Cape Ann Pee Wee Football Early Sign-Ups Starting this Friday, June 3rd and 4th

Good morning Joe,

Wondering if you could possibly send out one more reminder to all the GMG followers that Pee Wee Football Teams will be holding their early sign ups starting this Friday, June 3rd and 4th and the following weekend June 10th and 11th!  Six year olds are eligible this year!  Must be 6 as of August 31st of this year.  Open to all kids ages 6-14 (no 9th graders).  We are just looking to gauge team sizes and get some of the administrative stuff out of the way early….no practice or communications will happen until August!  We appreciate your help getting the word out.  Everyone can look in the Gloucester Times for their teams time and place to sign up!

Best Regards,
Jim Smith

Hello Again Joe,

Hoping you could help me out yet again!!  In addition to being the league treasurer, I am also co-president of the Rockets who will also be having their sign ups starting this week.  Hoping you could post the following:


Riverdale Rockets Early Sign Ups

The Riverdale Rockets will be holding early sign ups starting this Friday June 3rd and will remain as “open enrollment” throughout the summer.  There are limited rosters spaces allowed so please sign up early.  Payment procedures are explained online!  Full payment must be made in order to play come August.  Registration is $80 per player/cheerleader with a $140 family cap.  Follow this link to our sign up page: http://www.leagueathletics.com/?org=RIVERDALEROCKETS.  NO practice, uniforms, or team communication will be allowed until August practices which start on the 15th!  More information will follow once you are registered online!  Any questions should be directed to Jim Smith at 978.265.3721.  Have a great summer and we will see you in the fall for Riverdale Rockets Football/Cheering!


Thanks to GMG for all their help in getting the word out!!  It is greatly appreciated!

Jim Smith

Thank you to Good Morning Gloucester for helping us to get the word out!!

contact jsmith@soeppainting.com for more info


Cape Ann Pee Wee Football

Commissioner:  Fran Gibbs

Secretary:  Gary Donahue

Treasurer:  Jim Smith

Head Referee:  Randy Burns

Restaurant News- Catch 22 Seaside Bistro Info


OK, this is what you need to know-

They are shooting for an April 1st opening.

It is owned by the same company that owns Espresso in East Gloucester but it will be operated as a stand alone restaurant under that company umbrella.

If you, like me had thoughts that this space was going to look like a dungeon inside let me tell you now that people are going to be blown away by the complete upscale renovation inside.   I obviously can’t speak to the food because it isn’t opened but they pulled out all the stops on the decor.  Money obviously was not an issue.

I was scratching my head when I heard that there was going to be another seafood restaurant in that area thinking that there was already a ton of restaurants in that area of Main/Rogers Street and that average just won’t cut it but let me tell you if the food and service are on par with the interior renovation they just may have a shot.

It takes balls to open a restaurant in the thick of at least a dozen great restaurants within a quarter of a mile radius.  They must feel good about their prospects in our beloved City.  They will be representing at Taste of Cape Ann Sponsored by the Gloucester Daily Times at Cruiseport Wednesday March 23rd.  I’ll be interested to talk to the chef and get their perspective on what they will be bringing to The Gloucester Table.

For more info about the Taste of Cape Ann Event at Cruiseport click here