Making Italian Donuts With Sista Felicia and Nephew BJ At The Gloucester Daily Times Website


From the Gloucester Daily Times Taste of The Times-

These are considered a special treat by Felicia Ciaramitaro Mohan’s family, especially her son BJ, who helps make this recipe. Every Sunday, especially on religious holidays such as Easter Sunday, Grandfather Joe would make these special donuts “for us (seven Grandchildren) on Sunday mornings. This is one of many treats he and my grandmother Felicia would make for Sunday coffee time after Sunday Mass.”
The special ingredient in these homemade donuts is ricotta cheese. It is mixed into the batter and makes for a very moist and tasty round donut, which is rolled into powdered sugar right after frying them in oil.
“My Grandfather passed away when I was in high school. When my twins were born many years later, I remember counting the months till they could have table food so I could make them to enjoy on Sunday mornings and Holiday mornings just as I did growing up.”
“My kids enjoy them just as much as my cousins bother & I did. My daughter Amanda knows how to make the batter, BJ is a professional donut powdered and my husband is defiantly the best at eating them! With our busy schedules traveling with our daughter Amanda for tennis, Sunday mornings as a family are tough to fit in. In spite of this, everyone knows, including my nieces Eloise & Madeline, that when TeTe, Uncle Barry, BJ & Amanda are home on a Sunday donuts are being made while the sauce and meatballs are cooking for our family dinner!”
You may want to try them for a special day such as Easter or at any time you want to make a special treat.

5 thoughts on “Making Italian Donuts With Sista Felicia and Nephew BJ At The Gloucester Daily Times Website

  1. We used to spend summers at grandmother’s home on the (other) Cape. The mom of my best summer friend made these every Sunday after church, although she was not nearly as slender as you. Yours looks as good as hers tasted–I can’t wait to give these a try Felicia!! Thank you for sharing!


  2. Those look great. Yum Yum. And BJ looks like a little sweetheart. You must be very proud to have him for a son. Great job bringing him up. I can tell.


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