9 thoughts on “Homie in Love Part I

  1. I couldn’t drag it out so I just queued up parts II to XI for publication tomorrow at 2PM. Strange relationships sometimes work out, sometimes they don’t. And no, Rubber Duck is not a love doll. She has feelings but is also a bit deaf. Much will be resolved tomorrow except for the surfing lessons.


  2. OMG terrific. So cute…LOL… That picture deserves a prize & so do you Paul M. What an excellent idea.

    Paul F. Love your statement…LOL…


  3. I am in complete awe of your challenging ability to create humor with objects that are subliminally connected to all of us islanders. Whether rock, rubber or God knows what, please keep us in your loop Paul-Between you and Jay I have a new found respect for Island Humor and Introspection. (Nice name for a column–Hmmm) Truly both of you are unique and so enjoyed by one and all.


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