GMG Special Discount!

Last Minute Gift Special at PRESENT 271 Main St.!!!!!

From 5pm tonight until closing tomorrow, if you mention GOOD MORNING GLOUCESTER, my (Sharon) photo calendars will be $10 and my shrink wrapped prints, $20. There are only a few Good Harbor and Sun Up Sun Down calendars left. Plenty of Magnolia though! Come on down and finish up your shopping!

With All These Bad Lobster Rolls – Who Is Rocking The Roll????

My obsession with the Lobster Roll started when I moved here and after a few trips to Maine. I have truly found some flawed rolls and pointed them out to you the readers, but lets look at two people doing really cool things with the Lobster Roll. Negativity no more – It’s Christmas!

Red Hook Lobster Pound DCThe Lobster Pound, in the Red Hook section Brooklyn, spun off a food truck in the Washington DC market that looks like it is putting out some quality rolls. They tweet their location and their customers follow in large numbers. The prices seem fair for the market.

The Lobsta Truck LALA owns the food truck movement right now and big is not the word. Of course they have the Lobsta Truck. They post a schedule on their web site and hit all the big movie studios for lunch. They are doing an $11 roll in California, which to me is shocking. It’s 30 bucks for fresh air in LA.

You can even Download a cut out of their Lobsta Truck.

Both of these trucks put out the Maine and Connecticut (AKA Long Island) version of the roll. I know we all prefer the Maine style, but I know people like warm butter with their lobster so I can’t knock them for that.

Why is there no Boston based truck? I bet Gloucester could support one of these during the summer months. It is my dream to own a food truck. If anyone wants to back me with a large cash investment, I will do the following:

  • Buy this Lobster and place it on top of a food truck
  • Get Lobsters from Captain Joe & Sons
  • Use the Mrs Recipe (licensed of course)
  • Find someone to get up early to do the work!

Enjoy the Holidays  and stay tuned for the readers poll for the best Lobster Roll on the North Shore – Patrick

Halibut Point

Tidal Pool at ocean's edge in Halibut State Park
Painting by E.J. Lefavour


Did you know that Halibut Point is made of sheets of 440 million year-old granite that now descend from rocky headland to the tidal pools below. Beginning in the 1840s, granite was quarried from this area, first on a small scale and primarily along the coast, and then on a much larger scale when the Rockport Granite Company acquired the Babson Farm quarry and expanded its operation. Shortly after the Cape Ann granite industry collapsed in 1929, 17 acres on the eastern side of the quarry were purchased and given to the Trustees of Reservations who manages Halibut Point State Park for scenic, historic and conservation purposes. This is a painting of a tidal pool and some of those 440 million year-old rocks. Makes me feel really young.

Christmas In Gloucester CD Released


"Christmas In Gloucester – Heartfelt Holiday Songs from America’s Oldest Seaport" is now on sale at select locations around Gloucester. You can purchase the CD at The Bookstore of Gloucester at 61 Main Street; Gloucester Music at 210 Main Street; and Walgreens at 201 Main Street.

The CD has twelve original songs that make you ponder the true meaning of Christmas as told through courageous, tragic and triumphant personal stories from Gloucester’s past and present.

Beautiful Industry- The Winch

I’m not gonna lie Mr Winch.  I’m not going to miss you when I finally get some vacation time.

DSC00103Bobby Ryan Writes-

I’m not usually a romantic, nor do I usually attribute feelings to inorganic items, but…
Could it have been Capt. Joe who actually bolted that unit down? That stand had to be built. Look at it. The paint color was known as “Battleship Grey”. Everything wooden on the waterfront was “Battleship Grey”. If you owned a boat somethings were orange or green. Extra paint left from painting the mast and hull. Everything iron had a coat of Red Lead under the grey. There must be 30 coats on this winch. Usually painted on during Fiesta week when the fleet was tied up. How about that “___ head”? Is that brass? How shiny it was when new? Can you imagine how proud the “Skipper” was when he first brought up those bags of whiting knowing he made a move to be “on shore” in order to better feed and care for his family? This time of year I remember one of the last things Slug would have me do before closing up for Christmas Eve was to go over to Capt. Joe’s. I would come back with plates of food. Some cooked, some not. At the time, when it was more personal and not so en vogue, I did not fully understand about the 7 fishes, but they were delicious.
Joey, you do not need to post this, I just wanted to let you know what I see in that old winch and to let you know there are others having thoughts of your family.
Buon Natale!

This week’s music at the Dog Bar

Bradley Royds, Pete Lindberg, Jake Pardee & Eric Reardon play quad-acoustic at The Dog Bar Thursday Night.  

These boys are going to rip it up on the night before the night before Christmas. Those who have seen Royds Lindberg & Pardee know that they are in for a treat….but no one knows what will happen when they spice it up with Reardon…another special guest or two are also slated to join in on what promises to be a very special evening.

Dog Bar
65 Main St
Gloucester, Ma.
Thursday, Dec. 23rd
9:30 to 12:30

At What Point Do We Take Responsibility For Ourselves Series

I’m not sure when this happened but lately at every restaurant you go to you see these little signs plastered all over the place and on the menus.

They read “Before placing your order, please inform your server if a person in your party has a food allergy”

I understand the premise and importance, but really, if you have a food allergy wouldn’t you say something anyway?  Do the people that have the food allergies need to be reminded that they have the food allergies?  I mean if you eat a handful of peanuts and your lips blow up like a balloon one time wouldn’t you make sure to ask for something when you go to a restaurant that doesn’t have peanuts from there on out????  You need a sign right up in your grill telling you to make sure to inform your server?  At what point do people take responsibility for themselves?

Is this not right up there with smokers suing cigarette manufacturers after 30 years of smoking cigarettes because they got lung cancer?

Is this not right up the fat bastards who sue Mcdonalds because they stuffed down Big Macs every day for 10 years and are now obese?

Why must we clutter every single restaurant with these signs?



Sista Felicia Keeps Grandma’s Recipes Alive Through The Gloucester Daily Times Taste of The Times Series

Every Christmas this dish was prepared by grandmother Felicia. It is an assortment of raw vegetables specially marinated in oil and vinegar and placed around the living room and kitchen in serving dishes. The main ingredients are carrots, celery, onions and extra large Sicilian green olives. Everyone who grew up with this dish ended up having their favorite vegetable that they would choose, hoping that they could get them before someone else did.

The celery and carrots are cut julienne style to allow more of the marinade flavor to penetrate and the olives were prepared by Felicia’s grandfather using a special cooking implement, his hammer. Rather than try and pit them, just smash the olive and place in the salad along with all of the other vegetables. The pit will come out easily once someone goes to eat one.

Click The Picture For The Video at The Gloucester Daily Times Taste of The Times Site


At the site there are options to print the recipe and share it.  This is one of my favorites from our Grandmother Felicia