Twelve Days Before Christmas Carol Countdown ~ Christmas in Gloucester

Thank you Tim Perkins for sharing your favorite ~

Everett Harlow writes: “An original song by Paul “Sasquatch” Cohan celebrating America’s Oldest Seaport, Gloucester Massachusetts. Sasquatch covers the vocals and guitar, John Hicks plays mandolin and bass, and Ev Harlow did the video. Special thanks to Joey at Good Morning Gloucester for some of the images. Merry Christmas Cape Ann!”


Update: Free Christmas In Gloucester CD With Any Print or T Shirt Purchase

Update:  I just placed an order for a bunch of T Shirts in sm-med-lg-xl and xxl sizes  stonewashed blue and white and pink so if you want a free “Christmas In Gloucester CD” write me at

They won’t be available til after Christmas other than the ones I already have here listed down below in this post but you can order ahead.

I told myself I was done but people keep asking for other sizes than what I had listed so I figured I’d place an order for a bunch of different sizes. as always Paulie Walnuts will be doing the printing.

My buddy Joe Langhan dropped off some “Christmas in Gloucester”-CD’s


Joe writes-

Christmas In Gloucester is an original CD with songs and music created by local artists Allen Estes, Dennis “Fly” Amero, Dave Brown and others. All songs were written by Frank Tedesco.

You can see a video of one of the songs

CHRISTMAS_CDThey are being sold for $7.99 at the following locations:

Walgreens 201 Main Street

Gloucester Music 210 Main Street

Mystery Train Records 21 Main Street

Wolf Hill 104 Eastern Ave

Great stocking stuffer!

Or you can get one of the six copies I have for free with the purchase of any of my matted or framed prints, just email me at and let me know.

Email before you stop down so I can make sure I’m here for you when you drop down.

I  have a bunch of matted photos that are in protective cello sleeves ready for framing.  I won’t be able to ship these but have them down here at the dock.   Email me if you are in need of some Christmas presents.  They are all wrapped in cello and ready to hand out.



I also have 2 small white T Shirts wrapped in cello, 1 XXL T Shirt In White Unwrapped and 1 Medium Long Sleeve White T Shirt Unwrapped.  You get a free CD with any T Shirt Purchase from now til Christmas or while the CD’s last.

T Shirt Logo Designed by Beth Swan and Printed By Paulie Frontiero.


Christmas In Gloucester CD Released


"Christmas In Gloucester – Heartfelt Holiday Songs from America’s Oldest Seaport" is now on sale at select locations around Gloucester. You can purchase the CD at The Bookstore of Gloucester at 61 Main Street; Gloucester Music at 210 Main Street; and Walgreens at 201 Main Street.

The CD has twelve original songs that make you ponder the true meaning of Christmas as told through courageous, tragic and triumphant personal stories from Gloucester’s past and present.

Buoy Painting At Art Haven pics By Thom Falzorano

I can’t even believe how many events went down yesterday.  How much fun and community involvement and volunteerism went into making it such an incredible day for Gloucester folks to enjoy.

There is so much to cover between the start of the day at City Hall with the Docksiders, Gingerbread House Competition, and hanging out with the Disney Characters.

Then off to Art Haven for Buoy Painting and Ice Sculpting.

Then to watch the star and buoys get placed upon the lobster trap tree.

Quick lunch at Espresso ($7.95 Chicken Marsala rocked).

Hop over to the Cape Ann Museum for a children’s Christmas caroling concert with FOB Mikayla Ciolino.

Then back to City Hall for Christmas play.

To Pleasant St Tea and Coffee Co for killer hot chocolate and a fatastic artisan show.

A quick stroll down Main St to catch up with Janice Lufkin Shea and then back to the homestead.

If you don’t see your pic today  it’s only because there is so much content we will be releasing it over the next few days.  Everything is getting posted though- fear not.

The Bean

IMG_3028, originally uploaded by ThomFalzarano.

Snoop Maddie Mad

click to enlarge
click to enlarge
click to enlarge

Things To Do- Lobster Trap Tree Lighting Saturday Dec 13th

From Jeff Worthley-

On Saturday, December 13th, at 4 pm the community will gather to light the Lobster Trap Tree at the Gloucester Police Station Plaza (Main Street).

This year’s tree, believed to be the world’s largest Lobster Trap Tree consists of over 300 traps which have been loaned by a half dozen Gloucester lobstermen.

The tree will be adorned with over 50 buoys, donated by Winchester Fishing, which will be painted by children at Art Haven on Friday afternoon and Saturday during the day.

The tree lighting ceremony will feature music provided by DJ Scotti Mac, caroling, Santa’s arrival and the lighting of the tree.

The 300 traps were moved by Tally’s Trucking Service and Earth Works where a half dozen volunteers have labored for the past two weeks building the tree and stringing the lights

This year marks the ninth time the Lobster Trap Tree has been built and stands taller than ever.

This year’s celebration is sponsored by BankGloucester, which is opening their renovated building to the public on the same day.