Coveted Yarn- Social Media Aware Yarn Retailer Grows Gloucester Business

What started out as a little yarn shop has grown into a nice business and the thing to me that is really cool about it (beside the fact that they are Gloucester based and have probably the best stocked knitting shop around) is that they took a hobby that people have been doing for centuries and a thing as simple as selling yarn and grown it in big part to their social media initiatives. they are reaching out to people all over the world and have followers and customers that travel from all over due to their web presence. Without their social media facebook, twitter,blog and presence on knitting websites like Ravelry there is no doubt in my mind that their business and message wouldn’t reach nearly as many of their customers as it does and this is for little to no money at all according to Robert.

I am more convinced than ever that if you are a retailer or restaurant that sells to the public and you don’t have a social media plan that you are being negligent.
You can check out Coveted Yarn at any of these locations-

5 thoughts on “Coveted Yarn- Social Media Aware Yarn Retailer Grows Gloucester Business

  1. Well, this has already been posted for our facebook fans. If any Gloucester businesses want or have some tips on how to use social networking to increase your exposure just swing by the yarn store and we’ll chat.


  2. Since Joe is always banging the drum of using free internet and social networking sites to promote your business I thought I’d add this. I have a client here in Gloucester who owns an office plant care business. He had a web site ( but he needed more. We set him up with a blog, on Facebook and on LinkedIn and he has been doing a amazing job of promoting his business. He says he can see the results very clearly. Every day he posts a handy tip on plant care on his blog with lovely pictures that he takes himself. Now he has come up with a new idea that I think is incredible. He is taking the best tips from his blog and putting them together in an e-book — 101 Plant Care Tips from PDIplants — and publishing it through Then he can send complimentary copies of his book to anyone who uses an eReader or iPad or anything like that.

    And it’s all free and all to promote his business.


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