Rockport 4th of July Bonfire

I’ve seen this bonfire from a distance. From Andrews Point it’s quite a large glow in the sky. Got a parking spot on Broadway a half hour before dusk and went on down to Back Beach with the family. Big crowd but there seemed to be a lot of room between the stack of wood and the beach. We would soon find out why there were just some children playing with light sabers down there.

They have this stack of busted palettes maybe 60 feet high with what looks like an outhouse on top. Years back they actually did get rid of outhouses this way as the town got indoor plumbing. Then they light it on fire. Remember how in the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” the nazi’s faces melt off?

Like this:

That’s what would have happened to us if we stayed where we were. A lot of backwards walking later.

and a little more as it really fires up:

Even from this distance it felt like a weenie on a stick would start smoking if held in front of you.

The Rockport Fire Department did a splendid job cooling the nearby trees. I have a bunch of shots like this where it looks like the devil of hellfire is jumping from the flames:

The next morning picking up bagels the logs were still smoking.

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