Oy! I just read the caption under the photo in the Cape Ann Beacon from The Block Party the other night which calls me Captain Joe.

I can’t even to begin to tell you how embarrassing it is when that happens.

I’m NOT A CAPTAIN! My Grandfather was Captain Joe Ciaramitaro.

A man whose shoes I could never fill.

I’m not Captain Joe, I’m just Joey. The business name is Captain Joe & Sons after my Grandfather and his two sons- my father and uncle. It’s not me other than the fact that Frank and I bought the business from our fathers which is named Captain Joe and Sons.

Maybe I should have made that the title of my blog “I’m Not a Captain”

I appreciate Mark running the photo though it was a nice shot of one of my shots plastered on the wall during the block party.

2 thoughts on “UGHHHHHHHHH! I’M NOT A CAPTAIN!!!!!!

  1. You may not be a Captain, but you are a leader in your community. Captain, to me, is also a sign of respect. I sure do respect what you do to promote Gloucester. We’ll have to think of some other way to refer to you…. Hmmm any ideas out there?


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