Brought to you by Good Morning Gloucester ~ Happy Thanksgiving All!

In order of appearance:

Bowdie Russell

Joe Ciaramitaro

Katelyn Foley

Richie Cassola

Frankie Ciaramitaro

Cody Burns

Jerry McKay

Daniel J. Dunbar

Pete Mondello

Richie Baressi

Mike Tufts

Peter Libro

Matt St. Pierre

Steve Amaral

Tony Gross

35MPH Winds- BAH That’s Nothing For The Mighty Cabaret V

Got the day in yesterday while the rest of the fleet was tied up.  Won’t get these days back in February when the lobsters stop running.  Every day fishing this time of year equals 4 in the winter. sometimes more.



Welcome The Latest Lobster Boat To The Gloucester Fleet- Pete Libro’s Cabaret V


The Cabaret V Is a Beast.   47 feet long and beamy as a bastard.   Big and roomy with plenty of deck space to shift gear and lobster like a lobster boat should- with the ability to move large numbers of lobster traps to areas where the lobster will be next.

On a small boat you are limited with the amount of gear you can shift and the weather you can fish.  On the Cabaret V Pete and his dedicated crew can fish rough weather comfortably and chase the lobsters by moving large amounts of lobster traps in front of the lobster moves to the deeper water and off shore.

Congrats Pete.

Celebrate Gloucester Video Documentary

This is the documentary we made to Celebrate Gloucester at Latitude 43.  It features interviews with Mark McDonough , Fisherman Peter Libro , Nicole Duckworth- from Duckworth Bistrot, Debbie Clarke- artist, Dave Anderson from The Black Swan, Ashley From Lat 43, Lobsterman Joe Mondello, Joe and Mary Ellen Borge from The Lone Gull, Lobsterman Mark Ring, Chef Zach Sears, Cape Ann Community Cinema’s Rob Newton, Stephanie From Lat 43, Lobsterwoman Renee, Real Estate Tycoon Ruth Pino, Ryan and Wood Distiller Bobby Ryan.

I hope you enjoy it.  there are some pretty touching moments in here.

Click the Picture For The Video Page
