GloucesterCast With Guests Kim Smith, Toby Pett and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 09/21/14

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Topics Include: The effervescent Toby Pett and Mr Grumpypants Kim Smith, Block Party Kudos, Sefathia, Mark McDonough Valerie Markeley, Block Party Review, Gianni Gallo, Rome TV based in where else but Gloucester MA, Mercedes Flavin and Paolo Laboa and The Space at Alchemy, J Pace, The Big Dig, The Format For The 100th Podcast, Holy Cow, Burnham’s Field, John McElhenny, Steve Winslow, Melissa Cox, Mayor Kirk, The Ward 2 Move, Richardson’s Ice Cream, Appleton Farms, Gloucester Daily Times Website Redesign, Arizona’s Stupid Motorist Law, Israel Horowitz’ My Old Lady Playing At Cape Ann Community Cinema, House Of Games, Lindsay Crouse, Adam Horowitz and The Beastie Boys, Rob Newton From Cape Ann Community Cinema, The Prototype For Kim’s Butterfly Screening Audience, Kim Smith Butterfly Movie On PBS, Send Kim Your Monarch Butterfly Sightings, , Eastern Point Lit House Kumbaya Moment, Duckworth Book Series The Secret Life Of Bees, NFL Football Food Menu, Against Football: A Reluctant Manifesto, The Hard Core Liberal Car and Ron Gilson’s 10 Cent Trade In, Live On Boats Being Sold In Favor Of Cheap Housing, SmallHouseBliss, Send In Your Football Day Food Pictures

podcasticon1Thanks To The Earl Foote Band For The Intro Music. Download Gloucester Til the End Free Here At Gimme Sound

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tobyHead Shot Kim Smith

Little Italy on Main Street ~ 2014 Block Party Season Ends on a High Note!

Terri Gianni Gallo ©Kim Smith 2014Terri and Gianni Gallo with sister and friend

What fun was last night’s block party!!! The best event of the season was saved for the last, as the West End of Main Street Gloucester became “Little Italy.” The streets overflowed with hundreds of partygoers while Gianni and Terry Gallo broadcast live an episode of their new show, L’Italia Chiamò – Radio Show.L'Italia Chiamò ©Kim Smith 2014

cheese maker Luca Mignogna ©Kim Smith 2014Artisan cheese maker Luca Mignogna served samples of his outstanding cheeses as Chef Paolo La Boa created delicious appetizers of prosciutto, complemented with his signature pesto. Chef Paolo La Boa ©Kim Smith 2014The slew of Vespas parked out front of Caffe Sicilia caused everyone to stop and oogle.Vespas ©Kim Smith 2014 copy

I wished I could have stayed for the entire evening but unfortunately had to hurry home. Looking forward to next year’s Block Parties although, I don’t know how they’ll ever top last night’s event!

Nutty Red Head ©kim Smith 20014

Lisa Griffiths, also known as The Nutty Red Head, gets carded by Robin at the Cave–it makes her day!

Goddess Family ©Kim Smith 2014jpgThe Goddess Family ~ Franny, Tony, Samantha, and Baby Woody

Scott Memhard Lise Breen ©kim Smith 2014Scott Memhard with Hannah, Andrea, and Lise advocating for the “College Success Program in Gloucester.”

Fred and Valerie ©kim Smith 2014Fred and Valerie


Taping of Bacala Video with Felicia and Sefatia Part 3 From Gianni Gallo and Joe Langhan

Gianni and Joe are the men behind the Taste of The Times Videos at the Gloucester Daily Times Website- this is from them-

Felicia and Sefatia (“the Godmother”) got together to tape a segment on how Felicia’s Grandmother taught her to make a special bacala dish for the traditional Italian meal of the seven fishes on Christmas Eve. This is the third of three parts of the original footage. The entire shoot lasted over 45 minutes, which was edited down to a 10 minute video. (You can see that video at Some have asked to see the entire production, with little or no editing. Here is Part 3.

Taping of Bacala Video with Felicia and Sefatia Part 2 From Gianni Gallo and Joe Langhan

Gianni and Joe are the men behind the Taste of The Times Videos at the Gloucester Daily Times Website- this is from them-

Felicia and Sefatia (“the Godmother”) got together to tape a segment on how Felicia’s Grandmother taught her to make a special bacala dish for the traditional Italian meal of the seven fishes on Christmas Eve. This is the second of three parts of the original footage. The entire shoot lasted over 45 minutes, which was edited down to a 10 minute video. (You can see that video at Some have asked to see the entire production, with little or no editing. Here is Part 2

Taping of Bacala Video with Felicia and Sefatia Part 1 From Gianni Gallo and Joe Langhan

Gianni and Joe are the men behind the Taste of The Times Videos at the Gloucester Daily Times Website- this is from them-

Felicia and Sefatia (“the Godmother”) got together to tape a segment on how Felicia’s Grandmother taught her to make a special bacala dish for the traditional Italian meal of the seven fishes on Christmas Eve. This is the first of three parts of the original footage. The entire shoot lasted over 45 minutes, which was edited down to a 10 minute video. (You can see that video at Some have asked to see the entire production, with little or no editing. Here is Part 1.

Joey’s Cape Ann Media Moguls Meeting at Pleasant Street Tea Co. – Video

Meet the Media Exchanging ideas to serve the community.

Last week I had an idea to try to get a bunch of my media buddies together for an impromptu coffee meet up at Pleasant Street Tea and Coffee Company. Those of you who have been following the blog closely may have noticed many posts coming from the space at Pleasant Street. This is not a slight to Gloucester’s other coffee shops like Lone Gull and Cape Ann Coffee which I love and feel play a huge role in the fabric of a community. Pleasant Street happens to have that nice back room which is conducive to meetings and taping interviews so that’s where I’ve been because the dock is just too crazy this time of year to try to tape any segments.

Anyway what I thought would end up as a meeting between four or five of us turned into something much bigger as 90% of my media rolodex showed up.
The idea behind the meet-up was to introduce many people that may have only contacted each other through emails or telephone for a meeting where everyone could share ideas and explore opportunities to help each other and themselves. With the planning and help of Johhny McElhenny and Heather Fraelick we held what I believe to be the first of it’s kind cross media meeting between such a diverse group of Cape Media moguls.

We had the newspaper Editors from The Gloucester Times and Cape Ann Beacon Ray Lamont and Jane Enos. We had Cape Ann TV’s new executive director Donna Gacek. We had international TV producing media giants Gianni and Terry Gallo along with Joe Langhan. Peter Van Ness- Producer and local web genius. Andrea Holbrook- Night editor at The Times. Terry Weber- freelance writer who will soon be releasing her adventure blog to the world. Local PR gurus Heather Fraelick, John McElhenny and Kate Moran. Hybrid Advertising executive Jon Cahill from Bait and Tackle. Local bloggers and writers Heather Atwood, Billy O’Connor and Laura Ciampa, Manny Simoes and your boy Joey of course.

I know I made several connections and came away with some exciting cross promotional opportunities that we will be pursuing to make GMG even better and I’m sure there were other connections that were made in that room.
We are planning to meet monthly but the next one will be at Cape Ann Brewing and in the evening so we can spend more time and have more space.

Here’s a video that Manny put together-

The First Episode of The Good Morning Gloucester Program

Featuring Anne Robinson from seARTS talking about the upcoming Captains Courageous Festival-

Special thanks to Gallo Productions and Joe Langhan for producing the segment and Earl Foote and Archie Muise who provided the theme music.

Gallo Productions and Joe Langhan

Yesterday morning we banged out three interview style short videos at Gallo Productions located at 11 Center St. 

The team of Joe Langhan who was involved with starting the Food Network and Gianni Gallo who owns and operates Gallo Productions are producing serious video in house.  I never knew it existed at this location and I certainly had no idea of the scope of Gianni’s work which takes him all over the world. 

There are no signs on the building to tell you what is going on in there.  Hell even my third guest Jonathan Pope- co-president of the Gloucester Fishermen Athletic Association couldn’t find it even after walking up and down the street for a good while.

Once you enter the doors and see the production facility and how professional the whole set up is you would be proud to have these types of pros part of the working culture of our City.   These aren’t hacks like me, this is an internnational media business and it is based right out of our City of Gloucester.

I want to reiterate something so that it sinks in in case I didn’t drive it home the first time.  Today’s technology means that this type of production facility and these types of talented media magnates such as Gianni Gallo and Joe Langhan do not need to locate here.  They can broadcast Hi Definition television from Boston, New York, LA- wherever they chose.  The content that Gianni films is all over the world.

But they chose to work here.  In Gloucester.  That should tell you something.  This is a great place we have here my friends.

Sister Felicia Debuts her Sicilian Cooking On The Gloucester Times Website

Joe Langhan and Gianni Gallo produced the cooking show for the Gloucester Times Taste of The Times series.  It also includes the Homebrew show and many other recipe on demand episodes.

Once you go to the video click that second button from the right which looks like a compass with north south east and west arrows on it to see the video full screen.