David Robinson, owner of the beautiful local gallery Windemere Art and Antiques, and drummer for the rock band The Cars, has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rock on David!

You can read the full story here in today’s Gloucester Times.

My friends Donna, David, and Lisa in front of David’s shop Windemere, located on Main Street Rockport


Look who I ran into at Whole Foods in Lynnfield on my way home from work today. That Nutty Redhead, also known as Lisa Griffiths, isn’t so nutty after all–her business is doing fantastically and you can find her at Whole Foods, gourmet shops, online on Amazon, and on her website at thatnuttyredhead.com.  

Today she was serving acorn squash with almond praline topping, drizzled with maple syrup. The recipe is on the back of the New England Praline with Seas Salt package. Congratulations to Lisa on the wonderful success of That Nutty Redhead.
Looking forward to seeing more deliciousness from That Nutty Redhead! 


Lisa Griffiths, also known as That Nutty redhead writes,

“Hey Folks, This coming Sunday, Oct. 25th, you’ll discover an article about our That Nutty Redhead in the Boston Globe!!! We are most honored. We’ll post the article for those that do not have access to this most important, and read, paper.”


That Nutty Redhead is Going Places!

52e023c288499e38ed518ad47d011b14_largeThat dynamo Nutty Redhead is every where! See Lisa’s latest video here: That Nutty Redhead Kickstarter Update, today’s issue of The Gloucester Daily TimesGetting Nutty,” this coming Saturday at the Rockport Harvest Festival, and this winter, she will be featured in the holiday issue of Edible Boston. Am I leaving anything off this multi-talented woman’s long list of recent accomplishments? Oh, yes, she also has an award winning show on Cape Ann TV, “All Things Victorian” (I am looking forward to watching the upcoming Victorian baking episode!)

Lisa is another friend who we are going to be saying, “We knew her when!”

Please help a truly dynamic up and coming local business woman grow her business. Read more and click here to donate to Lisa’s Kickstarter campaign!

7b3654f66ec079ed4f756c0dde77118e_largeMouthwatering, all natural, praline gourmet nut blends.


Friends, Old and New!

One of my dearest friends, Donna, spent the weekend here in Gloucester with us. I took her for a driving tour around Cape Ann and, at every bend of scenic roadway and charming street corner, she was simply knocked out at how beautiful is our island. Donna is in Massachusetts working on the Disney film, The Finest Hours, which tells the true story of the US Coast Guard’s most daring sea rescue. The film is based on the book of the same name and is set in 1952. Production is taking place all around the South Shore, including the Quincy shipyard, and Chatham, too. The book sounds fascinating and I just ordered my copy from Amazon. Here is the link: The Finest Hours. 

Donna Casey, David Robinson, Lisa Griffiths ©Kim Smith 2014

While touring around we stopped in to see Joey at the dock, and to pick up a second batch of lobsters (Donna thought they were the best she had ever had!), and then on to show her our stunning beaches. We then headed over to Rockport where we surprised an old friend, David Robinson, at his gorgeous gallery Windemere Art and Antiques, located on Rockport’s Main Street. David is the gallery’s owner, jewelry designer, and member of the Boston-based Cars rock band. The beautiful Lisa Griffiths, also known as That Nutty Redhead, was also stopping by the gallery to say hello to Dave. Dave took a break from gallery hours and took us all three out to lunch across the street, conveniently, to Bracketts, where we had an ocean view, delicious lunches, and excellent service. It was a wonderful day spent with friends, old and new, and made me realize once again how very fortunate we are to live on Cape Ann–for the natural beauty found at every turn, and most cherished of all, for our community of friends.

Little Italy on Main Street ~ 2014 Block Party Season Ends on a High Note!

Terri Gianni Gallo ©Kim Smith 2014Terri and Gianni Gallo with sister and friend

What fun was last night’s block party!!! The best event of the season was saved for the last, as the West End of Main Street Gloucester became “Little Italy.” The streets overflowed with hundreds of partygoers while Gianni and Terry Gallo broadcast live an episode of their new show, L’Italia Chiamò – Radio Show.L'Italia Chiamò ©Kim Smith 2014

cheese maker Luca Mignogna ©Kim Smith 2014Artisan cheese maker Luca Mignogna served samples of his outstanding cheeses as Chef Paolo La Boa created delicious appetizers of prosciutto, complemented with his signature pesto. Chef Paolo La Boa ©Kim Smith 2014The slew of Vespas parked out front of Caffe Sicilia caused everyone to stop and oogle.Vespas ©Kim Smith 2014 copy

I wished I could have stayed for the entire evening but unfortunately had to hurry home. Looking forward to next year’s Block Parties although, I don’t know how they’ll ever top last night’s event!

Nutty Red Head ©kim Smith 20014

Lisa Griffiths, also known as The Nutty Red Head, gets carded by Robin at the Cave–it makes her day!

Goddess Family ©Kim Smith 2014jpgThe Goddess Family ~ Franny, Tony, Samantha, and Baby Woody

Scott Memhard Lise Breen ©kim Smith 2014Scott Memhard with Hannah, Andrea, and Lise advocating for the “College Success Program in Gloucester.”

Fred and Valerie ©kim Smith 2014Fred and Valerie