Coming to America 65 Years ago

Today marks 65 years that I came to America. I celebrate this day with thanks to my parents and their struggle to come here, and make a better life for our family. Back in those days you needed a sponsor, and guaranteed work, so my father was on a fishing vessel, two weeks after we landed, headed to the Grand Banks.

In 1963 my parents save enough money to re-pay their debts, here and in the Azores. My parents decide to take me back to the Azores to let me see how we lived; I was 15 and becoming (American-Spoiled). Below is a whale hunt my father took me on, he had been a whale harpooner in the Azores. Below is the 8mm film I took during that adventure. Enjoy

3 thoughts on “Coming to America 65 Years ago

  1. What? Were you born with a camera in your hand?! Stunning footage. Bless your parents for daring to allow you to become “American-spoiled”, it couldn’t have been an easy decision. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you on several occasions, and have a pic you took of me and my family as a keepsake. All praise to the brave who take the plunge and make our country a textured and unique place. I know my world is a better place knowing guys like Manny Simoes are roaming through it with an eye like a camera and a joyful heart. Peace!


  2. Manny,
    Great video and thanks for sharing. I remember what an adventure it was for me when my father took me back to Ireland to see where he was born and meet the relatives.

    John Burnett


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