Happy 70th Birthday, Esther!

All of the staff here at Good Morning Gloucester realize how important our faithful followers (FOBs) are!  So, that having been said, we are very excited to wish a Happy 70th Birthday to Esther.…a long time fan of GMG from Vermont…whose bucket list includes walking Gloucester’s harbor front.  I know I speak for us all when I say, we would love to see photos of Esther enjoying a trip to Gloucester soon.   HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTHER from us all and thank you for following GMG.  We hope that you have an amazing day!


2 thoughts on “Happy 70th Birthday, Esther!

  1. Happy Birthday, Esther! From another faithful follower of the blog! I don’t know what I would do without it! I hope we get to see you on the boulevard!


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