Best New TV Series in a Long Time..If You Ask Me.

Like a good book, I love a TV show that leaves me bummed out at the end of an episode because I’m actually going to miss the characters while they’re away.  By that I mean, that it is hard to wait for the next episode to air.

That is TOTALLY how I feel about This is Us.  If you haven’t tuned in yet, you really need to.  If you don’t have Netflix or On Demand or the like, you can click on the link below and watch most episodes on any device.


While I won’t do it it’s due diligence, to sum it up quickly This is Us is about life, love, relationships, friendships, dreams, successes, failures, expectations, family, laughter, tears, and maybe a bit more.  The series seamlessly flips back and forth from what we are to assume is past and present.  Story line layers upon story line and pieces of a beautiful puzzle are put into place.  Connections are made and the big picture is revealed like in a paint-by-number painting.

Can you tell that I’m in love.  Give it a shot if you’re a sap like me.

Watch the trailer below ….  Below that is another scene that is pretty sad, pretty real…that also begins to lay the foundation for the rest of the show.


One thought on “Best New TV Series in a Long Time..If You Ask Me.

  1. I love it too, Nichole. I don’t even watch sitcoms as I find most of them silly and boring. I caught the advert for this new show and it looked fairly intelligent. They don’t talk down to you, and it’s not a series of one-liners, but real life situations. It took a bit of getting used to since they switch back and forth from generation to generation, but I soon got the hang of it. It’s very poignant.


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