GloucesterCast 174 With @CapePondIceCo Scott Memhard, @KimSmithDesigns @DonnaArd & @Joey_C Taped 3/22/16 #GloucesterMA #Podcast


GloucesterCast 174 With @CapePondIceCo Scott Memhard, @KimSmithDesigns @DonnaArd & @Joey_C Taped 3/22/16


Topics Include:

April 9th Bikini Speedo Dodgeball Info April 9th at Camp Spindrift- Come Enjoy The day with Us!

Dave Moore sent Donna stuff- I wanna hear the story about how Dave Moore Met His Korean wife

The Magnolia Art In The Schoolhouse Show details here

Beauport Princess for Easter Brunch

Duckworths’ Bistrot

One Hour At a Time Gang- Like Them On Facebook Here

Where:                 Main and Rogers

Time:                    8:00 – 9:00

When:                  Saturday, March 26, 2016

St Joseph and Easter Back To Back
Local Candy Joints For Easter candy

Joe Scarborough Does The Unthinkable And Tells Hillary Clinton To Smile

(Salon)I only described MSNBC host Joe Scarborough’s subtweet of Hillary Clinton as annoying to keep the trolls out. But let’s be honest, it’s subversively sexist. Call it casual sexism, call it ever day sexism, call whatever you’d like, but it’s flippant, cavalier and annoying at best and sexist in all likelihood.

Have you ever been accused of not smiling and does it drive you up a wall?

(Mashable)At this point, men have to know better than to tell a woman to smile. Hillary Clinton had an incredible night during Tuesday’s primaries, locking down Florida and sealing a surprise win in Ohio. But Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, thought she could have acted, like, a little happier about it.

Snoring solutions- involves a sleep study- cpap machine- at that point dont you just have the person go into another bedroom?

Scott Memhard Joins Us

Scott has chickens

Ten Pound Island Meeting recap and Thoughts

Inviting Steve Douglass on to talk about tentative plans

Thursday 5:00 Mayor Sefatia- Thoughts and Concerns about Ten Pound Island at City Hall


subscribebuttondavemoorepatchesToby Pett submitted photo



Thank you Marty and director Dawn Sarrouf for sharing this sneak peak and fantastic photos of the East Gloucester Elementary School’s upcoming performance of the Tempest.

Show times are Friday and Saturday, April 1st and 2nd at 7pm; Saturday, April 2nd matinee at 11am; and Monday April 4th at 6pm. COME!

All Photos Courtesy Martin Del Vecchio










Cameron’s Building Boarded Up and Marked Unsafe

The large white “X” — typically painted on a red background and placed on the front or roof of a building — serves as a clear warning for firefighters throughout the state that a building is unsafe.  Also not Good for Downtown Businesses on Main Street.

Link to Sign Meaning



Turtle Alley Kim Smith 2016Turtle Alley -4 Kim Smith 2016.JPGWe’re so fortunate in Gloucester to have not one, but two, F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S chocolatiers. Yesterday I visited Haley Baker at Turtle Alley where they are in full Easter mode. Tomorrow, I’ll be at Nichols Candy House. Shop local for your Easter baskets!

Turtle Alley  -3Kim Smith 2016.JPG

Turtle Alley -2 Kim Smith 2016.JPG


Please join me Wednesday, March 23rd, for my Pollinator Garden program at the Abbot Library, 235 Pleasant Street, Marblehead. The program begins at 7:00pm and is sponsored by Marblehead’s three garden clubs, The Driftwood, Cottage, and Marblehead Garden Clubs. I hope to see you there!

Pink flowering dogwood Cornus florida rubra Kim SmithCornus florida rubra ~ The pink flowering dogwood is truly one of our most beautiful native trees, not only for the beauty of its blossoms but because the female Spring Azure butterfly deposits her eggs on the yellow florets.

Kiss of Death

kiss of death

Mattew 26:14-16

Then one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me if I betray him to you?” They paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he began to look for an opportunity to betray him.

Mattew 26:47-50

While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, arrived; with him was a large crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people. Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man; arrest him.” At once he came up to Jesus and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him. Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you are here to do.” Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and arrested him.

While we cannot be absolutely certain why Judas betrayed Jesus, some things are certain. While Judas was chosen to be one of the Twelve, all scriptural evidence points to the fact that he never believed Jesus to be God. He may not even have been convinced that Jesus was the Messiah (at least as he understood it). Unlike the other disciples that called Jesus “Lord,” Judas instead called him “Rabbi,” which acknowledged Jesus as nothing more than a teacher. While other disciples at times made great professions of faith and loyalty, Judas never did so. This lack of faith in Jesus is the foundation for the other issues listed below. The same holds true for us. If we fail to recognize Jesus as God incarnate, and therefore the only One who can provide forgiveness for our sins, and the eternal salvation that comes with it, we lose in the end.

Judas not only lacked faith in Christ, but he also had little personal relationship with Him. When the synoptic gospels list the Twelve, they are always listed in the same general order, with slight variations. The general order is believed to indicate the relative closeness of their personal relationship with Jesus. Despite the variations, Peter and the brothers James and John, are always listed first, which is consistent with their relationships with Jesus. Judas is always listed last.   Additionally, the only documented dialogue between Jesus and Judas involves Judas being rebuked after his greed motivated remark to Mary (John 12:1-8), his denial of his betrayal (Matthew 26:25), and the betrayal itself (Luke 22:48).

Judas was consumed with greed to the point of betraying the trust of not only Jesus, but also his fellow disciples, as we see in John 12:5-6. Judas may have desired to follow Jesus simply because he saw an opportunity to profit from collections taken for support of the group.

Judas, like most Jews at the time, believed the Messiah was going to overthrow Roman occupation and take a position of power ruling over the nation of Israel. Judas may have followed Jesus hoping to benefit from association with Him as the new reigning political power. No doubt he expected to be among the ruling elite after the revolution. By the time of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus had made it clear that He planned to die, not start a rebellion against Rome. So Judas may have assumed, as the Pharisees did, that since He would not overthrow the Romans, He was not the Messiah they were anticipating. In the end, he played the part necessary for God’s plan of salvation for all men to come into being.  That doesn’t make what Judas did right or acceptable, because it came down to his own choice, but shows that God can take even our worst and turn it to be to his glory.

E.J. Lefavour

Start your own colorful cupboard!

I love going to the Empty Bowl Dinner sponsored by the Open Door Food Pantry.  My cupboard is colorfully decorated with my bowls from each year and I look forward to picking out the perfect bowl again at this year’s event on May 12th!   Last year I was fortunate enough to photograph the event and captured this photo of the potters hands as she was demonstrating the bowl making process.   This Saturday the Open Door is hosting a bowl painting party from 10-12 at 28 Emerson Avenue, Gloucester.   You can contact them to reserve a spot (see info below)….and make sure you paint a pretty one for me!

BLM_2140-Edit-Edit-Edit-2Come decorate a bowl for the annual Empty Bowl Dinner. Painting is free. Reservations are required. RSVP

We are asking people to lend their talent to paint a bowl that will be glazed and fired and then made available at our main event, the Empty Bowl Dinner.

You can read more about the main event here:


The Academy at Penguin Hall

This looks to be a fantastic new option for High School aged girls.

The Academy at Penguin Hall, in Wenham, is scheduled to open its doors in the fall for its very first class of students.  Be there from the beginning.

Read All About Penguin Hall HERE and call to schedule a tour.

The Academy at Penguin Hall’s Mission is to educate, enlighten and empower young women to live and to lead exemplary lives.

The Academy at Penguin Hall is an independent, college preparatory secondary school for young women, rooted in the Catholic tradition of education which is committed to developing the whole person; intellectually, spiritually, socially, physically and creatively.
