Cameron’s Building Boarded Up and Marked Unsafe

The large white “X” — typically painted on a red background and placed on the front or roof of a building — serves as a clear warning for firefighters throughout the state that a building is unsafe.  Also not Good for Downtown Businesses on Main Street.

Link to Sign Meaning


4 thoughts on “Cameron’s Building Boarded Up and Marked Unsafe

    1. The sign is more far reaching than to alert First Responders, but to prevent death to firefighters in case of fire.
      “The system adopted in Worcester and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts after the Worcester Cold Storage Fire was one adapted from the City of New York. In this system a sign with a white X on a red background is used to indicate that the placarded structure is extremely hazardous and interior firefighting operations should be conducted only when there is a known life hazard and with specific consent of the incident commander and extreme caution. A white \ on a red background is used to indicate that interior operations can be conducted with extreme caution. Additional information regarding the system can be found in Appendix F and in the Reference List in Appendix H.” See-in the below linked document

      Click to access Background%20Paper_2006.pdf


      1. Very educational post and keep up the good work public safety is a must X and boarded up are a message. Out west they had incidents involving folks that are homeless looking for a place to rest there weary heads and get out of elements. Can be very dangerous and many are have issues that make them dangerous to all (Your education item is a public service to for safety and to me saves lives so they can smile another day!

        Nothing a little TLC cannot overcome…:-)

        God Bless for your carrying post 🙂 & Kim 🙂


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