Wolf Attacks Dog- Captured On Go Pro Attached To Dog

6 thoughts on “Wolf Attacks Dog- Captured On Go Pro Attached To Dog

  1. I couldn’t watch the video all the way through–so sad!!! I googled to see what happened to the doggie–one of the news feeds said the dog had a steel-lined vest and although injured was brought to the vet and will recover.


  2. Not sure what the take home message is here. I guess it might be if you go hunting for wolf food (moose) in wolf territory and you are an aggressive dog that attacks two wolves then you better wear a protective vest.

    Seemed like the wolves were trying to indicate to the dog that they did not want him there but the dog kept moving in.


  3. I have to agree with Paul. The dog was the aggressor in this situation. The wolf had to defend himself – he was obviously being pursued by the dog. I didn’t watch all the way through, but that was obvious from the start. The owner of the dog was in the wrong not calling off his dog from the start.

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