Mr. Swan is traveling between Niles and Henry’s Pond. I hope a new Mrs. Swan joins the scene before long!

Male Swan Henrys Pond Rockport ©Kim Smith 2015

3 thoughts on “LOOKING GOOD MR. SWAN!

  1. The mate he “lost” was with him for about 6 or 7 years; his prior mate had been with him for c. 15 years. SOMEONE may find and ‘court’ him in the Spring. Mute swans live together for a full year before they procreate.

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  2. I have been reading about Mute Swans. The Mute Swan is reported to mate for life. However, changing of mates does occur infrequently, and swans will remate if their partner dies. If a male loses his mate and pairs with a young female, she joins him on his territory. If he mates with an older female, they go to hers. If a female loses her mate, she remates quickly and usually chooses a younger male.
    Let’s hope he mates with a younger female so they will stay around here! Thanks for the beautiful photos!


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