Dangerous Sidewalk Lift Causes possible removal of Tree

A Dangerous Sidewalk Lift by Toodeloos on Main Street causes the DPW to consider the removal of a Tree.





10 thoughts on “Dangerous Sidewalk Lift Causes possible removal of Tree

  1. Damn fools! Out here on the left coast the city (Seattle) goes to some lengths to avoid taking down trees whose roots cause sidewalk problems — one of the most popular (if you don’t actually have to do it yourself) is to grind down the raised edge so that it’s feathered into the next slab. Works fine and leaves an interesting looking strip of pavement behind. Or if you don’t have a concrete grinder then take some topping mix and feather the joint. We’re heading for a future in which trees and their shade will be more and more precious.


  2. Over my way the tree’s along the roadway were all cut down and the one by the park too watched this tree weather two major typhoons and only lost some leaves…I was not happy about this but the stump by (park) is starting to grow a shoot out and they replanted all the cut ones take a while for shade for shade there.

    Other options should be looked at as tree’s and shade are a draw to downtown in most cities..I am guessing here that the tree’s are cut close to power lines when no longer stable, generally they will just cut branches then, or root system exposure, tree health and subject to blowing in a big storm hence the elevation in side walk in high winds (may be major safety issue for people and buildings then). This is just a guess from so far away.

    P.S. I personally used to get mad at dad for pruning the tree’s on the farm I was overruled 😦


  3. There was definitely a serious tripping hazard there, with several serious falls, but this was not a good solution, not to mention Susan’s (Toodeloos,. not “Toodle” )beautiful flower garden around the base of the tree that is now gone. There are several other locations where the sidewalk is coming up along Main St. I hope this won’t be the same solution for those spots, too!


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