Any media outlet That Criticizes Marty Walsh On Not Giving In And Guaranteeing Cost Overruns For The Olympics Are What’s Wrong with Media

All the headlines are about how Boston bungled the Olympic Bid process.  the headline should be that Boston Mayor Marty Walsh refused to give in and guarantee Cost Over-runs that would have burdened the city.  Anyone that doesn’t see that the Olympics completely screw the cities with huge bills for building monstrous facilities that never end up getting used are deaf dumb and blind.

So instead of criticizing Marty Walsh for how he handled it, I say he should be lauded for being financially responsible with the taxpayers money.  More elected officials should follow his lead.

Say what you will but these same media outlets would have skewered him way worse when the bills came due for the cost over-rides for inevitable mess that the Olympics would have made the City of Boston.


here’s the poll Nichole put up when we heard about the bid-

Olympic Rings Good or Bad for the Purse Strings?

Posted on January 9, 2015 by Nichole S.

and the poll results back then-


2 thoughts on “Any media outlet That Criticizes Marty Walsh On Not Giving In And Guaranteeing Cost Overruns For The Olympics Are What’s Wrong with Media

  1. My boss told me one time in disagreement about something very near and dear to me! He said I should be more political (not my strong suit compromise if yes, but not give everything up from within).

    I told him if I wanted to be political I would have run for officer he hung up on me must have been a bad day for him? Damned if you do or don’t…He did call me back and apologize later when he actually knew I was looking out for the team long term! 😦 Dave 🙂


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