Beverly Sills Quote of the Week from Greg Bover

“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.”

Beverly Sills (1929-2007)

Born Belle Miriam Silverman in Brooklyn to immigrant parents from Ukraine, Sills won her first singing contest at age three and would go on to win first place on both the Major Bowles Amateur Hour and Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts, the American Idol of their day. She broke into opera in the late forties, specializing in the work of Donizetti, Rossini and Massenet, and by 1971 appeared on the cover of Time Magazine as “America’s Queen of the Opera”, despite limiting her career to spend more time at home with her children, both born with disabilities. She retired from singing in 1980, but continued in the public eye, first as director of the New York City Opera, then Chair of Lincoln Center, and finally of the Metropolitan Opera, while simultaneously offering her celebrity to the March of Dimes and other charities. She was the recipient of four honorary doctorates, multiple Emmy and Grammy nominations, and the 1980 Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Greg Bover

Bones Of The Dead Cookies Ready For All Saints & All Souls’ Day!


Don’t Forget to leave your shoes by the front door tonight. Tomorrow begins the celebration of All Saints & All Souls’ Day. See pages 112 & 113 in my cookbook Gifts Of Gold In A Sicilian Kitchen for details of my family’s Sicilian tradition and Bones Of The Dead Cookie “Nucatuli” Recipe.

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To purchase a copy of “Gifts Of Gold” click link below

Mission Accomplished: Big Boy Bus

BigBus5011wmThis morning, as I got ready for the gallery, I realized that I hadn’t made arrangements for transportation with the CATA “Dial-a-Ride handicapped bus. I decided to do something I hadn’t had the courage to do before: Take the regular “Big Boy Bus.” So I hurried to the corner for the 9:57 am Gloucester via Lanesville ride. Janet walked me to the corner, just like our moms did on the first day we took the school bus to Kindergarten or elementary school.

One one the newer short busses stopped for me, the chassis was lowered to curb height, and a short ramp swung out, making a level transfer possible with my rollator, with no steps. Icing on the cake was driver Eddie Salah, who had driven me on the ADA handicapped bus a few times and knows me by name. I guess necessity really is the mother of invention. I have just sprouted a new pair of wings, and the raindrops on the window were of joy for me.

Live tonight, Radio tomorrow: Gracie Curran LIVE with Victor Wainwrignt @ Larocm tonight & Jon Butcher on 104.9 tomorrow AM

Two great chances to connect with local stars — Tonight Boston Music Award nominee Gracie Curran and her hot band are live on stage with Blues Music Award winner Victor Wainwright and his smokin’ band from Savanna GA right down the road at Beverly’s Larcom Theatre.  Doors @ 7pm Concert @ 8.  Let’s show these two young, rising stars that a little rain & wind won’t stop us from having fun.  Good seats still left (especially in the balcony).  Get them here.

Then, tomorrow morning you can hear Gloucester’s own Jon Butcher on Aurelia Nelson’s North Shore 104.9 radio show Curtain Up at 9AM (don’t forget to set your clocks back or you’ll be listening in at 8am instead).  Jon will fill you in on his new CD, “Experienced!”, his film project “Kiss the Sky” and his concert at the Larcom Theatre next Saturday.  Tickets are selling fast, so you’d better get yours soon.  Get them here.

It’s the perfect weekend for an extra hour sleep.  You’re gonna need it with all this excitement!

Here’s a taste of these two stars:

Up, Up, and Away

Happy to update this post thanks to some great information from some readers!

So, it sounds like this building is being raised so that work can be done on its foundation and that it will remain in its current location!  I’m glad…because we walk, run, ride bikes by it often and I would certainly miss it!  So, a more fitting title would be, “Up, Up, and Going to Stay.”

Thank you also to Bill Hubbard for sending a fantastic photo of the Straitsmouth US Life Station from the early 1900s…around 1906.  Be sure to scan all the way down to see said photo!

This always fascinates me.  If I’m correct, this is a part of the old Coast Guard Station in Rockport.  I’m not sure where it is headed….maybe a FOB can fill me in? IMG_9868 IMG_9876 IMG_9878

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Dare I? Oh Why Not!


Halloween morning I dressed in jeans, a heavy long sleeve shirt with black and white stripes, a watch jacket, and outrageous pirate hat. All of these items came from Bananas, a vintage clothing store on Main Street. Captain Fred’s first adventure of the day was a medical appointment at Addison gilbert Hospital. As I got off the bus, I almost chickened out with the hat, but decided to just suck it in and go for it.

I got a lot of attention walking through the lobby, down the hall, and in the elevator. Everyone who passed by smiled, and most said “Happy Halloween” or “Trick or Treat.” Once on the fourth floor, oncology, I was greeted by a witch, and signed in by a Thing with blue hair. I had found kindred spirits on my favorite floor. Of course, we had to take a photo. Nurse Kristen is the witch on my right, and Myriah, of departmental administration, is the Thing on my left. Whether Witch or Thing, they are great people providing exceptional care to me and all of their patients.